What Is My Patent Worth?
Inventors or companies who are successful in obtaining a patent will often wonder what it is worth. They do not question the ability to use...
I'm not getting my emails! What do I do?
We understand that it can be frustrating to be left in the dark in regards to your patents and trademarks. At Miller IP Law, we...
SNAP Legal
Available Now: Click to learn more What Is SNAP Legal? SNAP Legal is a series of systems that generate legal documents that are...
Can I Change My Attorney?
Can I Switch Legal Aid Lawyers In The Middle Of A Case? It's common for people to feel like they are stuck with their current...
Form An LLC
Create An LLC (Limited Liability Company) Affordably Form An LLC With SNAP LEgal...
Selling Your Invention In China? The Benefits, Catches, and Secrets Behind Chinese Procurement
China is making some moves The fees, the agreements, the restrictions… You can understand when Chinese officials say that the country is retooling to become...
How do I get Patent Protection for my Start-up Company?
Start-Ups & Patents Starting a new company is an exciting and demanding venture. The excitement comes in engaging in something new with the potential for...
Meet Darrin Burnham ~ Associate Miller IP Law
Darrin Burnham is an attorney with Miller IP Law, with experience in a wide range of matters relating to Intellectual Property. Darrin enjoys representing clients...
Example Evidence of Trademark Usage (P)
Evidence of Use for Trademark Application As part of a trademark application, we must show evidence that the above mark is being used in commerce...