Example Evidence of Trademark Usage (P)

Evidence of Use for Trademark Application

As part of a trademark application, we must show evidence that the above mark is being used in commerce or indicate in the application that the mark is not currently in use but that you intend to use the mark within up to 2 years. If you are currently using the mark in commerce please provide us with one or more examples of that use, similar to those shown below.

How do I Submit Evidence To My Attorney?

If you need to submit more evidence, feel free to email us at devin@milleripl.com with all of the graphics you would like to submit (JPEGs and PNGs work best).

As part of a trademark application, we must show evidence that the above mark is being used in commerce or indicate in the application that the mark is not currently in use but that you intend to use the mark within up to 2 years. If you are currently using the mark in commerce please provide us with one or more examples of that use, similar to those shown below.

What Counts as Evidence?

The Goods Themselves

You could submit a photo of the mark on the good itself.

Labels or Tags Attached to the Goods

You could submit a photo of a label or tag with the mark attached to the good.

Packaging for the Goods

You could submit a photo of packaging with the mark for the good.

Sales Display Signs/Placards where the Goods are Sold

You could submit a photo of product display.

WEB PAGES Selling the Goods

You could submit a photo/screenshot of a web page showing the mark where your goods are sold.

Software as Goods

You could submit a photo/screenshot of a software launch screen with the mark in an introductory message box, or a screenshot of a web page with enough information to download the software and the trademark appearing in the title bar.

Specimens for Services

You could submit a photo/screenshot of a newspaper of online advertisement for the services.

    About the Firm...

    Miller IP Law is a firm that focuses on small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs/solopreneurs. We’re easy to use. We offer affordable pricing that’s transparent and flat-rate. We focus on the little guys who actually need our help. If you’d like an attorney on your team, simply schedule a Zoom call, and we’ll take care of the rest.

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