Don't Be Afraid To Go First
Jon Taggart
Devin Miller
The Inventive Journey Podcast for Entrepreneurs
Don't Be Afraid To Go First
The Inventive Journey

Starting and growing a business is a journey. On The Inventive Journey, your host, Devin Miller walks with startups along their different journeys startups take to success (or failure). You also get to hear from featured guests, such as venture firms and angel investors, that provide insight on the paths to a successful inventive journey.
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don't be afraid to go first right
provide value first
everything is a relationship there's no
b to c or b to b
it's all human to human and so if you're
able to find a way where you're
providing value right out of the gate
your close rate and conversion rate and
the whole experience is just going to be
better throughout because
you the more that you invest up front
and the more value you provide
the the more that you're going to
extract out of that
hey everyone this is devon miller here
with another episode of the inventive
journey i'm your host devin miller the
serial entrepreneur that's grown several
startups in the seven and eight figure
as well as the founder and ceo of miller
ip law where we help startups and small
with their patents and trademarks if you
ever need help with yours feel free to
go to and grab some
time to chat with us
now today we have another great guest on
the podcast john taggart
john is a bit of an introduction used to
be in a band and he even signed and i
think went on tour for a bit of time or
you signed to go on tour and then it
crumbled or it fell apart a little bit
you're going on tour so you were left
without a tour but you were left with a
lot of debt
um and then with that shifted gears a
bit still in the music industry but when
i i think to the kind of the ringtone
industry you started with that
to sign independent contractors that
could sell it um
business didn't go as well as you'd want
so that crumbled after a few years
but then decided to go into a digital or
website development design company
and dip it into digital marketing as
well so that kind of led you to where
your journey to where you're at today
going over that also working on some
courses on how to get started and grow a
business so
with that much as an introduction
welcome on the podcast john
thank you for having me i really
appreciate it
so i gave this a high level brief
of the pod or of not the podcast of you
and uh went through a little bit of your
journey but maybe now take us back in
time a bit tell us about what it was
like to be in a band sign on tour and
start start to stay with your journey
yeah i promise you it sounds way cooler
than it actually
it does sound pretty cool to be i mean
to see that hey we're bad we're excited
to go on tour it does sound cool so
tell us a little bit more about it yeah
so i mean i've always had that
entrepreneur spirit probably similar to
you and so
i just lean towards music i love playing
drums and playing shows and just
got hooked on it so decided to see if i
could take it to the next level and
really treat it like a business and get
goals i've got signed to a small little
independent label
did a tour did a music video um and
unfortunately the band broke up on the
first floor but hit some goals and that
was a fun experience and really
eye-opening to
just how to hustle and if you set your
mind to something you really can go grab
so now question so so
walk us through a little bit so you're
on the you've got you're in a band
you've signed on tour
and you know that's i would imagine for
a lot of bands that's exciting in the
sense that you know you get to go tour
you got to do something that
you know some bands only dream of if
they're playing in the dive bar or the
you know whatever place they might be
that they hey we gotta go tour see our
fans and whatnot
but uh you know how did that play out it
sounded like it didn't
it didn't end as well as it started and
kind of what happened there they kind of
fell apart and caused you to pivot
yeah so we had a a great local following
as you know you got to expand so we had
booked a tour
where we would play with local bands in
each city across the nation
um and so we booked that it's really we
have no fans people are don't know about
us they're not coming to see
us by any means but we're just trying to
get out there and really just crying
uh i remember we played a show in
atlanta georgia i think it was like a
2000 cap
room and every band had canceled and so
it was just
us and literally the sound guy that
played his show because no one told her
so that that was the type of tour which
is just rough where i think our per diem
was like 10 bucks a day maybe
so it's you're just trying to do
anything to survive and just get to that
next level
touch uh get enough fans to then
go on tour number two but that all fell
apart and being on tour is tough
especially if you're
struggling just getting out there um
it's hard work but kind of everything is
when you're just starting out especially
startup business um i don't care what it
is but it really is just go
and kind of figure it out along the way
because i feel like a lot of this is
we're all just making it up as we go but
you want to make the best decisions of
course and mitigate as much pain as
um so it was a really really great
experience it was difficult and then
when it ended it was just kind of left
with this
okay i thought this was i went all in
and now it's gone
now and so that's what kind of
transitioned me let me see if i can
apply this to something else
so yeah and that was going to be my next
question so i mean you you tried the
tour you tried to do the band
you know it didn't it didn't work out in
the sense that you know a little bit
when no but none of the bands under the
local bands are going to have to draw
work out i'm sure it's hard to if people
never heard of you aren't
you know aren't on you're not on their
radar they're not likely to go buy a ton
of tickets for the the
tour but so you know that kind of
started to crumble or fall apart and
you're saying okay now what do i do what
is my you know what do i do next type of
a thing
how did you land on the business of
doing ringtones and kind of trying that
yeah so this was back i want to say 2005
era where ringtones everyone wanted a
ringtone so
i decided why not and everything at that
time with ringtones was all just major
artists of course
everyone you know so i thought why not
create a platform where
independent and unsigned artists could
come on upload their mp3
on our website create the ringtone and
the platform would create those
ringtones and then they could sell it
on our website um that we would just
take a small percentage so we really
tried to be like ringtone distribution
for independent unsigned artists um and
i think people just saw we met with
investors we were trying to raise
money uh i think i was 1920 at the time
we met with like guitar centers
and uh some bigger producers
and it just you could kind of see the
writing on the wall there was a fad so
that kind of fell apart and uh kind of
led me to the next venture which
was similar but one question on that
because i think you said you did it for
three years is that right you tried to
make it go of it
yeah that sounds about right two or
three years and so
you know if you haven't did you get a
product out were you selling did you
we are out and it was uh it was making
obviously nothing life-changing but we
just knew just with development costs
and marketing and advertising that we
just needed an influx of cash that
a struggling musician just you know
went through a band breakup just i
didn't have the resource and so we
really needed an influx of cash to get
it to that next level to get
an acquisition essentially now one one
question just on that that will keep on
with your journey you know when you go
and try and pitch investors and you're
trying you know
you're 19 20 years old was it that you
the investors thought you were too young
they didn't like the idea that they
they didn't have enough market for it
they didn't see the potential kind of
what was uh
what do you think the mo the reason was
that they were saying you know they that
they passed on or didn't want to invest
i'm sure i'm sure age was definitely a
um i definitely looked up much younger
no one really ever said that it was more
talking about
hey what have you built what's the
technology what's your plan here's your
walking through the business plan so i
didn't really get the sense
and i would imagine it played a part but
it was more of
hey we want to see see how ringtones
play out and it was really
looking back they could tell that hey we
think this might be just a fad
and it's probably just too risky for us
to get involved so ev where it landed
with pretty much everyone was like hey
we want to
wait and see what happens with you guys
for a little bit more time and then
they ended up being correct um so
so now you so you tried that for a while
you made a little bit of money but it
never really took off in order
and i'm still working day job just
trying to
make ends meet i've got this tour van
that i'm driving as my daily driver it
it was interesting what were you just
out of curiosity what were you doing as
a day job as you were trying to get that
up and going
just random office corporate stuff
nothing just anything really um i could
get my hands on that was
that would pay the bills so so now you
so you do that for a couple years
and you know you know two or three years
you try and make a go of it you just
can't get the investment dollars you
can't get it off the ground to where
going to support you enough and say okay
probably time to move on so to speak
so then as you're trying to figure out
what the next thing is how did you land
because i think that kind of brings you
a bit more to where you're at today of
web development and design and those
type of things how did you kind of
transition to there so when that kind of
under when i do okay this is just it's
it's time to
throw on the towel i was once again
uh second time being in this place and i
guess like once you go through a breakup
once you're it's a little bit easier the
second time
um and so it's a little bit easier but
again i was left with this okay what am
i gonna do
um and i was fortunate in this next
phase where someone knew i had this
technology and they wanted to start a
ringtone company
uh so they essentially brought me on and
acquired the technology
and we ended up turning their idea into
essentially what i wanted to build out
um with not only ringtones but having an
platform like social media
um specifically for independent onsite
artists since that's
what i was on i could relate to this
we're really trying to create a platform
that would shine light
and um on these artists that
normally don't get the attention they
deserve um so i did that
for about three or four more years
and then that kind of the investors
didn't want to put any more money into
it and it would just
it felt once again fell apart quickly
and during that time
we had used agencies to build everything
outwards from web design development
seo everything we worked with an agency
so i got a first-hand
look of what this looks like when you're
working with an agency so that client
agency relationship um and when that
fellow party goes yeah i just feel like
i could do this better than what our
experience was with these guys
um and so i literally just decided i'm
going to start a web design development
and so i learned how to like take
templates and start
one question on that because you decided
that but how did you come
out of every it was just out of hey
we've had other agencies do it you know
we've had other people do it it couldn't
be that hard and
i'll try it out is that kind of the
thought process yeah well i've always
been involved with tech
in some capacity always like i've always
been drawn to it so
um i started when i when at the last
company i was really trying to like get
my hands dirty and just like html and
like okay
if we need a landing page why don't i
just try and create it um so it's
literally just
google open and trying to figure out
like what am i what's my problem
and slowly but surely i was able to do
make something look decent using
templates and then from there i was like
you know what let's just go
beat first and start an agency and see
if i can do this
myself and it was kind of i didn't
really have much of a choice i knew i
didn't really want to go back to
your typical corporate life so i figured
uh this is
a great opportunity to just jump feet
first in and really
you know throw my punches at her
so and so now you and then you said you
started taking classes you kind of tried
a few out of your own websites out
got a you know a foundation under you
and then you know how did you start to
get clients or build a business or reach
out to people or kind of how did you
grow something so uh fortunate with that
again so
another um pr agency we were using at
the time
i was just talking with him we ended up
becoming really good friends and i was
like hey this is what i'm doing i'm kind
of pivoting he's like hey i might have a
client for you so he just
heard me a client and i i never put
together a proposal i had no idea what i
was doing
what do i charge for this i think for
their first website like e-commerce i
was like yeah 1500 bucks i'm like okay
and i was like okay and then it was okay
i got to figure out what i'm doing now
and so no and that's a great way to
launch and hey i got a client i think i
got a client for you do you want to do
it sure
how much are you going to charge well
i'll charge 1500.
great that's probably a lot cheaper than
what they were paying everybody else i
couldn't tell you where that number came
from it just felt right
and so i just i made a decision to go
hey there's no looking back let's just
this out as we go so so then you started
you know and i assume then you start to
build a client base and start to build
it around there
and you're still doing that today is
that right or at least in part that's
what you're doing
so it's the same agency as god it's been
almost 10 years i want to say
so now you so look and then i think it's
and that kind of dovetails my last
next question which is looking kind of
forward now to the
future of kind of what's next or what
are you going to do in the next you know
six to 12 months how you going to grow i
think you mentioned you're going to
start doing some courses and and start
to offer that is part of what you do
yeah so i obviously have the agency side
of things which is great
um but i really want to create a course
to train
people like myself that want to have an
agency and to
really walk them through from a to z
from how do you put together a proposal
how do you market yourself how do you
uh what agreements do you need um
how do you generate business right
what's your lead magnet going to be how
do you handle clients how do you handle
difficult clients how do you make sure
you get paid right all the stuff that
i've learned over 10 years
to really try and fast track people that
want to get into it just not sure
where to start and how to avoid some of
the nonsense i got myself
into no i think that's understanding you
know it's interesting because we
we're doing a bit in a different way and
a different approach
are doing that with the law side as well
in the sense of you know there are a lot
of times
we get clients that come in and they say
okay i've got a prototype we help them
with the patent and then it's kind of
now what what next you know kind of what
do i do with this and so we started to
a little bit kind of a lot of similar
lines is uh to you know say here's how
you go you know here's some
contacts you're ways you start going
about product development and
prototyping and manufacturing
and how do you do all these various
things that you really need to get it
started on a
to start a business and yet there isn't
a manual you don't just say oh how do i
start a business i go do these things
you know so i think that there's a lot
of value in helping people to understand
here's the steps and here's some
guidance along the way that will help
them to actually
learn from the mistakes of others and
and be have an increased likelihood of
yeah exactly and so all these little
things like i wish i would have brought
on like recurring revenue earlier
because i didn't want to host and
maintain sites because i just didn't
want to deal with it
and i thought oh man it's just these
small little fifty hundred dollars a
month recurring revenue
it turns out i wasted years and
thousands and thousands of dollars by
just not
doing you know some of the what seem
like hard work that just isn't and so
it's really trying to
fill those potholes for people before
they hop into it and give them a roadmap
of here's what works for me and here's
so that and so i think that makes good
sense and i you know i think that you
know learning from though
or figuring out how to continue to grow
things in a pivot in the future
definitely is a great place to be well
as we start to wrap
up you know we talked a little bit
through your journey and i always ask
two questions at the end of the podcast
so we'll jump to those now
so the first question i always ask is so
along your journey
what was the worst business decision you
ever made and what did you learn from it
i'm gonna have to say i can't believe i
jumped the gun on this but it really was
the recurring revenue piece
um where there's this this is this
mentality that i have
of you think just short term where it's
like oh 50 bucks a month
that's not going to do anything that's
not going to move the needle but when
you start to get 50 or 100 of those
it just compounds and now uh i'm in a
place where i'm able to diversify so
with the hosting and maintenance and
this recurring revenue that i thought
was just peanuts
turns out that if i have a down month
that kind of protects
the nesting and keeps revenue going so
that would probably be the dumbest
decision i made is just avoiding
some of the the diversification of
revenue streams
no and i think that you know it's
interesting it seems like that's where a
lot of businesses are going is hey
you know it can be especially in the
service industry if you're always having
the revolving door always having to
generate new clients generate new work
and if you you know once you kind of cut
it off if that's the end of it
it makes it for a little bit more for
like you're on the hamster wheel or you
know a gerbil wheel so to speak
and if you can say hey now how can we
keep the client for longer and that can
be everything from reoccurring revenue
it can be offering expanded services
offering a service they'll need multiple
times but those type of things i think
often go overlooked and yet they can be
a valuable stream of revenue for the
best well yeah and the little secret too
for me
at least with that like hosting and
maintenance side of my business is that
it keeps the relationship with the
client active and so
when they have a good experience with
you for like if it's an emergency
or just anything that you respond with
whatever it might be
i can't even tell you how many referrals
i've got just from hosting a maintenance
that we've responded quickly to their
emails and so now
that trust is developed and now they're
referring me to other
potential clients no and i think that
there there's a good point in there in
the sense that
you know that's one of the things that
kind of again on that is
everybody you know keeping that
relationship alive keeping him in
yourself front of mind and in touch with
them is way that now when they need that
next scene when they they'll think of
you and if they
on the other hand if it's been years
since they've done it or there's been a
while or months or years of that
then you're less on forefront of mind
and they may not when they need that
service think of you
not because you didn't do a good job and
they didn't have a good relationship
it's just you're not for a friend of
mine so i think yeah out of sight out of
mind so that would be for sure when i
look back i just kept myself with going
how much opportunity that i missed but
hey what does this say that when's the
if when's the best time planning for you
20 years ago or
right now right and so that's definitely
one of those things where those
those little hidden diversifications of
revenue can really add up to really big
so now we'll jump to the second question
then it probably dovetails off the first
if you were to if you're talking now to
somebody that's just getting to a
startup or a small business
what would be the one piece of advice
you'd give them
profitability um
but probably deeper than that is really
really thinking about the value that you
can provide
right so before i a client invest any
dollar with me
before they invest anything i spend
about two hours with them
um and we map out we do what we call a
customer avatar discovery session so
we figure out exactly what their ideal
customer looks like and what that
customer needs to
see and read on the new site and
experience in order to have the best
chance of success because
i don't build websites for my clients i
build it for my clients customers
so what i mean by all this is don't be
afraid to go first
right provide value first and everything
is a relationship
there's no b to c or b to b it's all
human to human
and so if you're able to find a way when
you're providing value right out of the
your close rate and conversion rate and
the whole experience is just going to be
better throughout because
you the more that you invest up front
and the more value you provide
the the more that you're going to
extract out of that in everybody's money
no and i think that you know the one
thing you touched on it wasn't
necessarily the only
or the the main point is you know one of
the things i had to learn was
you know you can build a really cool
looking website that doesn't do anything
right in the sense
it doesn't convert people it doesn't
really give them a call to action it
doesn't do it
or have any return but it looks great
you know and that's now my
that's one of my favorite pastimes now
that i've gotten into that is going to
law firm websites
but there are a ton of law firm websites
that they look awesome they look really
nice and professional and it's like well
i don't know how much it's going to cost
i don't know how to get a hold of them
i don't know what i'm supposed to do if
i do want to get going and it's like
because they don't provide anything
but it looks really cool and it's like
no you need to actually provide that
value so i think that there's
definitely a good point there the look
is important just for trust but really
people buy what they read
and i see so many businesses that want
like video backgrounds and they care
about all these
things that are not necessarily
but really spend the majority of your
time crafting their headlines what's the
value who are you speaking to
and what what are their problems and
what is their current situation and how
do you get them to their desired
situation and the only way you can do
that is through
copy and so test your copy and make sure
that you're
designing something for your end user in
yeah i know i think that that that's a
great great advice and great feedback
well just before we wrap up this is a
reminder to people we are going to do
the bonus question where we talk a
little bit about intellectual property
so before people
uh stop listening if you want to hear
some great uh great insight into
intellectual care i'll be a good one
it'll be a great one so stay tuned but
if if you don't have interest in that
we'll uh we'll wrap up the journey and
we'll uh with
that if people want to now reach out to
you they want to
find out more about your services they
want to be a client they want to be
a investor they want to be an employee
they want to be your next best friend
any or all of the above what's the best
way to connect up do you find out more
yeah best way is my website
t-a-g-g-a-r-t media
all right well i definitely encourage
people to reach out to you find out more
and if they're in need of a website
definitely check out your services i
appreciate that well thank you for
coming on it's been fun it's been a
and uh for all of you that are listeners
if you don't listen the bonus question
make sure to uh if you ever have if you
ever want to tell your journey and be a
guest on the podcast just go to
inventive journal or in if i can uh not do
that's right if yes
and apply to be on the podcast
if also make sure if you listen listener
to make sure to click subscribe so you
get notifications as all
their awesome episodes come out and
leave us a review so new people can find
last but not least go to if you ever
need any uh patents or trademarks or
anything with your business feel free to
go to
grab some time to chat with us so with
that we'll wrap up we'll transition over
the uh the bonus question so
now that uh now you the shoe's on a
little bit the other foot i always get
asked the questions during the normal
episode but now i give the
microphone to you so to speak so with uh
you know what is your
top or number one intellectual property
question so i wanted to hear your
thoughts on
what kind of your
i guess your your opinion on uh software
patents because the way i look at it is
man patenting math seems like uh
quite a leap and especially the guys
that just obviously
sue everyone under the sun but in terms
of just
how software patents are structured we'd
love to hear your opinion on them
yeah and that's that's a softball
question so thank you no
so i do i've done a lot of software
patents that's why i say it's a it's a
softball question
in the sense that you know i worked for
a long time you know prior to starting
my own business
i worked for some of the biggest law
firms and they had some of the biggest
clients so i did
intel i did red hat i did all
which were i had a lot of software
and even now with my law firm we don't
it's not as much name recognized but we
do a ton of software for startups and
small businesses
and to your point you know it's not
necessarily the math if all you're doing
a plus b equals c you know when you go
and say okay
we've forever people did a plus b equals
c on by hand
and now i'm going to stick that on a
computer that's really not a software
patent in the sense and you're not going
to be able to get a patent on that
where it's going to where a lot of times
it come in it comes in more is
let's say you know as an example i'll
give you an example so one of the
businesses i've done on my own so
uh is uh that i started on or started
was with wearables and that has a lot of
software behind it
but it's more of as an example the
wearables were originally and it's
pivoted a bit
was for hydration monitoring for
athletes and for people that run long
do wearables that are for hydration and
some of the things are how do you do all
the analytics so once you go you have a
sensor you take some measurements
and then once you do those measurements
what do you do with the data how do you
analyze it how do you make a
determination are they hydrated are they
not hydrated
you know are they going through a
dehydration event are they over hydrated
and how long can they or
before we should or call someone or give
a warning and so a lot of that
is going to be under software but it's
not necessarily the lines of code which
are too deep
and it's not high enough level to just
hey we want to give everybody alert
of you know hydration and it's so high
level that anybody would do that
but it's kind of that how you go about
doing it how i make the how i get the
how i do the analytics how i provide the
notifications who do i provide the
am i communicating between devices so
between a server that
does the analytics the wearable and the
phone and so it's that kind of thing
when you get into a lot of software
that does you know similar on when i did
intel is another example
is on these chip level they have a ton
of security so that you don't get hacked
so that way somebody doesn't intrude
into your computer they don't take it
and they don't sell all your data and so
that was one of the things they did with
but there's a lot that goes into it how
do you set up your software so that it
it doesn't allow for intrusion
how do you get secured or areas that
simply can't get into the system
and there's a lot that goes into that so
that's where the software again is a lot
of the
implementation and the how
the software what if it's like 90 the
same but i just tweet some things
in the code it's like well yeah it
doesn't do like is that violating a
it depends on how broad and narrow the
patent is i know that's an unfair
question because
of legal stuff but i'm just i'm trying
this is the one thing that's always
gotten stuck with me is like
how do you patent a loading bar right or
stuff like
where i go at the end of the day yeah
let me give you maybe another example is
that i worked on there in the previous
or previous firm was with
google and so you think of you know the
little window you know when you're
watching you know netflix or
amazon or or youtube or anything else
you have you can normally watch on the
big window
some with the some of the newer phones
you can swipe out and they'll just have
a little window so you can multitask
right so you can do it
but how do you it's not that you know
it's they don't just patent the concept
take a big window on a phone and make it
a little you know a little window that
one's probably
if you put but if they're to take now
how do you make it so that it determines
what you know when you're exiting it out
when you're intending to
or watch it on little phones or little
screens such as you're doing other
how do you move it around what size
should it be what aspect ratio should it
should we adjust the volume or should we
mute it or not mute it how do you exit
out of it and all of those kind of
determinations are what they go into now
to your question is you know how can you
know if i make a small tweak let's say i
move the
x bar you know if i move the where the i
click the x
you're probably going to have an issue
because they've covered that broad of a
thing so they get a fairly
conceptually if you're saying what is
the unique or novel thing that my
software is doing how is it different
that's where you focus your patent and
then you can usually get fairly broad or
reasonable coverage on that
it's a hard question to answer because
yeah i know i know what do you think
happened go ahead what would what would
your opinion be if
software patents were gone obliterated
you can't patent
software it's impossible like what what
do you think would happen
with just kind of the industry as well
so let me ask the question i'll flip the
what would you do if you didn't have a
cell phone anymore
well i mean we kind of died or what
would you do if you didn't have the
internet anymore
but the internet didn't start because of
patents and it's certain no no no and
i'm not saying
but the question would be is the where
where and i'll give you the reason
for the question is if you a lot of the
motivation for people creating the
internet for creating phones for
creating apps
is monetary incentivizing right in the
sense that they want to be able to make
a compensation for
making your iphone 1000 no and i and i'm
then the question is is if you were to
take all software patents away
and now you can make it was in a world
where as soon as i get
great it created a great software
whatever it is
application on the phone you know
whatever that is whether it's uber and
their how they do theirs whether it's
google in their search engine
take all that away and say yeah if you
can figure out how to copy it you can
then as they're that same monetary i'm
going to go out and compete in the
or you're going to say i'm going to if
i'm the first one i'm going to put a ton
of time money and effort behind it
i'm going to be the first one to figure
out how to do it how to program it but
then somebody's going to copy me and
then i'm
out of business does that make sense
yeah but let me ask you this then
right so sure and maybe it's a horrible
analogy but i'm very curious
so you got kfc right there are 11 herbs
and spices that i'm sure is patented
it's actually a trade secret but go
ahead yeah but
i have every right to try and figure out
what it is and open up my own chicken
right sure if i can look at code and go
oh let me try and make my own like how
is that violating
a patent and how is that bad for you
so how first of all you have to have
code to look at right if kfc said if i
if everybody could go and let's give it
a different because kfc is really a
right and so that's a lot of the reason
because there are other places that sell
good chicken
you go to kfc because you like the brand
so i think the more analog
or better analogy would be is if you go
to kfc and now
everybody could start their own kfc they
could take the exact logo same name in
the company
and go start their own kfc's everywhere
would kfc have the same incentive to
build a business
a franchise would they be able to
franchise have as many locations and
it's hard when you're
if your brand or let's say you're pepsi
or coke and somebody started selling
pepsi and they just started making the
exact same label you can't
no there would be no financial incentive
to build a business and so that's where
i think that
now that the question is just when it
gets the code and math i go uh
i don't this holding back industry or is
this where it's going
yeah where it's going to take that is
the question is is you're saying ones if
i can look at their code and how to
tweak it you have to
that assumes that the code is already
there right they've already figured it
and you're building on top of it as
opposed to if you go and code something
and you figure out a new and something
different that hasn't been done no
no barrier to entry to you it's only if
you're saying i've i'm taking what
somebody else has done building on top
of it then the person that originated
yeah yeah sorry
that's not i didn't mean like actually
take the record but no no but
but the same kind of concept right if
google has now proven the concept that
search engine
on optimization is a great market and
they figured out how to make good search
results then
everybody is going to say how do they do
it their their competitive advantage is
that they're the best search
engine in the world right and if now if
everybody can just simply say i can i'm
going to copy what they did i'm going to
look and see what they did
i'm going to tweak it slightly you can
still patent the tweak so
maybe that's one differentiation in the
sense that if you build on top of it and
where i always give the example
and we'll we'll wrap it up for because
i'm sure it really helps but it's like
for hours i love discussing it but let's
say as in your example
one that i think is a little bit easier
to grasp is black and white television
in the d back in the day 50 or 100 years
ago whenever it came out
75 years ago i'll guess they had black
and white television right and they got
a patent on it
and if you wanted to do a black and
white television you had to get there or
you had to go through their patent or
get a license from them you had somebody
that came along and figured out how to
do color television how to make that
so they now have a patent that's really
good on color television that everybody
but it builds on top of the original
black and white television so
in that sense the people that have the
black and white they can continue to
have the monopoly on black and white for
20 years
and then after but the people with color
television also have the patent and you
the people
can with the black and white can't make
color television so it creates a
hey if you build if you build something
you provide it as a public to the public
we'll give you a monopoly for a period
of time but it allows people to know
what you're doing and how to do it so
part of the trade-off with patents
is that you have to disclose how it
works what what you're doing how you're
making the decision making
and so since you're disclosing that the
public you're giving away your secrets
now we'll give you a 20-year period
where you have that monopoly
but people can start to build on top of
that during that 20 years
they can either sell to you they can
license it they can make products that
go on top of it
and they own those things that they're
building on top of so it's kind of that
whether or not it's perfect or not is
that you're trying to incentivize people
whether it's software hardware
mechanical stuff i think it's kind of
the same thing as you're trying to
incentivize to people to build those
platforms that do make a better
and giving them a reward of hey you you
will have some
way to keep this proprietary for a
period of time such
all of that time money and effort
because most of the time especially
once you see how somebody's done it it
makes sense you know and that's a lot of
the magic's gone from it yeah the magic
is out oh yeah i know you know it's kind
of like the magic you know you refer to
once you know how the magic trick is
done you oh i could do that that's
really easy
but it's that first person that figures
it out that takes all the time and
effort to figure it out
and there's and if you remove that
incentive to say once you figure it out
everybody's gonna copy you then they're
gonna say well i'm not gonna invest
millions of dollars or you know
time time years of my time only to have
somebody easily copy me so
that is a long grab a whole really fun
for hours and we'd have a great debate
but there's a little bit of your request
answer to your top intellectual co-op or
property question
i hope all the viewers enjoyed it i went
on a bit of a rant but i enjoy it in
fun area to talk so about well thank you
again for john for coming on the podcast
it's been fun it's been a pleasure
and wish the next leg of your journey
even better than the last
thank you so much for having me
appreciate it