Go With Your Gut
Scilla Andreen
Devin Miller
The Inventive Journey Podcast for Entrepreneurs
Go With Your Gut
The Inventive Journey

Starting and growing a business is a journey. On The Inventive Journey, your host, Devin Miller walks with startups along their different journeys startups take to success (or failure). You also get to hear from featured guests, such as venture firms and angel investors, that provide insight on the paths to a successful inventive journey.
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have a great idea you can even have the
funding for it
but you need to leave room in the
execution of that model to have that
variance the human
condition variance you can do all
you can pull all the data you can
interpret all the data you can look at
all the comps you can see all this stuff
and i will tell you like you can you got
to go with your gut
you've got to do gut checks all the time
and you got to leave a little room
for something to happen and i don't mean
be negative like it won't work that way
so let's pad it's more like
something amazing could happen in that
little space that you leave for magic to
hey everyone this is devin miller here
with another episode of the inventive
journey i'm your host evan miller the
serial entrepreneur that has grown
several businesses
to seven eight-figure companies as well
as the founder and ceo of miller ip law
where he helps startups and small
businesses with their patents and
trademarks and if you ever need help
with yours
just go to strategymeeting.com and grab
some time with us to chat
now today we have another great guest on
the podcast and they're all great so i
always say that another great guess but
i always mean it
um which is sheila and i'm still gonna
i'm worried i'm gonna pronounce unless
uh andre adrian my mom says andre
but it's andreen andreen all right i did
my best attempt and i even asked her
before the podcast could i try and get
the names right and i still usually
slaughter her but
that was my best attempt so so it was a
quick introduction to sheila
um so she went to uh nyu and got it i
think studied some poli sci
i wanted to be an attorney at one point
and then met a director
he uh convinced her that you can make
more and get doing commercials and doing
videos and whatnot
than you're ever going to make as an
attorney decided to leave the career or
leave the
that career in college went and worked
and did the commercials
um started to i think was dating or
otherwise the director wanted to marry
it kind of freaked out didn't that
wasn't where he wanted to go
moved to l.a created or did more
creative jobs in la for a period of time
and then realized that
a lot of the films never got picked up
and so with that
kind of saw an opportunity is to hang
out hanging out her shingle so to speak
on helping our films get found so to
and having that impact and then she's
kind of continued to develop her career
from there
so with that much as a uh introduction
welcome on the podcast sheila
oh thanks for having me devin so i gave
kind of the 30-second quick high-level
overview but let's take us back in time
a little bit
tell us a bit about going to nyu
studying poli-sci and kind of how your
life changed from there
yeah um great great recap by the way
um so i just remember sitting in you
know in the classroom looking out the
window at the cam you know not the
campus but just
in new york city and i honestly i was
distracted and bored i worked three jobs
putting myself through school i really
wanted to be a litigator i love the law
and it wasn't necessarily my the
director i started
um dating saying you'll make more money
and film because by the way you don't
and some unless you are like the nano 1
but um i
helped him out on a commercial and ended
up making 800
a day and the food was amazing and it
was i'd never done anything like that
and i had so much fun that i actually
chose to to leave school and do this for
a while
save up some money thinking i might go
back and i never did go back
it just kept me more things
so now so you so you made first of all
you made this 800
a day is is a is a pay is pretty good if
you could sustain that for
for indefinitely if you could just
continue to find those commercials
that would be you know a pretty decent
pay so but so you
decided hey okay so initially and with a
lot of things just kind of start out as
this will be an attempt you know a
temporary thing we'll
do it for a little while make some money
or get some pay and then we'll you know
go back to school and never life always
takes us in different directions
he said okay i like this this is fun and
enjoyable did that for a period of time
and then it sounded like you know you
romantic relationships or at least at
least on one side started to develop as
in addition to career
but you decided that wasn't the
direction you wanted to go so you moved
out uh
moved from where you're at in nyu to or
new york to l.a is that right
well my mom was in la and uh my
boyfriend at the time had asked me to
marry him and i was
kind of like no i'm i'm 20. i'm not even
21 right and
i'm not ready yet so i ended up leaving
there to go visit my mom who'd moved to
and i got a job doing a low budget movie
out of the trunk of my car which led to
me doing other gigs
there and using my sort of styling
background uh to move into costume
design and the first gig i got was the
wonder years
tv show and then i did party 5 dawson's
creek smallville jack and jill
kind of went on to do some really great
tv shows as a costume designer i got
even nominated for an emmy on the wonder
years i didn't even know what an emmy
i was like okay um and went to the emmys
didn't win though
um but i did go and
you know during my hiatus i was great
i'm grateful too because i worked on
successful shows so i would
work nine months out of the year and
have three months off and then during
those three months i would make a short
film or a feature film
that i would direct or produce and then
i started going to the festival circuit
and in the film festival circuit i
started to meet other filmmakers i
started to learn how the
film industry worked and um got out of
my bubble of being just in the studio
so that was quite an education
and i became really passionate about
that community
because unlike when you go down to the
theater downtown and you watch a movie
nobody talks to each other when you go
to a film festival you're talking to
people that you
for some reason same environment but a
completely different experience you're
connecting with total strangers
over content and telling stories hmm
no and that you know that that sounds
exciting no one question you ha
i had kind of zero chance through that
because you kind of you know one thing
we talked is
you found out about underprivileged
films right or whatever you want to call
them under and you know
a lot of films get made very only a
small fraction
again that them get actually picked up
or go anywhere
but you know kind of as you're in that
environment how many films do get picked
up i mean the only thing i only
think i know about movies is when a new
movie comes out in the film and it looks
good i go watch it and i love watching
but how many movies don't get picked up
so i don't know what the
stats are today because of the thousands
of streaming services out there but
back in those days um roughly and this
was before you could make a movie this
was right before you could make a movie
on your
iphone but there was about 60 to 70 000
films made every year
in the world and less than one percent
were picked out
hollywood only has so much bandwidth
right and
but even still like they there was a
sort of an industry thing that i think a
lot of filmmakers didn't realize is that
filmmakers want to have their films go
to all these festivals and get all these
laurels and accolades and have it in
front of a live audience they want
people to see it
they spend their time and money to go
there they answer questions
um rarely do they make any money in the
festival circuit it's usually you spend
money it's like a form of marketing
it's kind of a lost leader it's like a
version of a theatrical in a way
the industry actually looks at that and
in the beginning there's a handful of
festivals you can do and win awards and
get some reviews
that's good there's a tipping point when
you start to do too many festivals
hollywood starts to think you've been
exploited already you've already been
seen by too many
i'm not going to pick you up because you
know somebody else would have picked you
up by now if you were that good
um so you almost become damaged goods
now today's world with all the streaming
you can go to a whole bunch of film
festivals and then go on to a streaming
service and
no one's going to think you're damaged
goods but um i sort of went off on a
tangent but
no but let me and one question i had
because so you're saying really only one
percent make it to big mainstream
some of them go to film festivals a lot
of them really just don't go anywhere
but you know and again i'm a bit
ignorant so or
excuse my question but you know is that
you know i
you see with the big movies you know
avengers or whatever one it is
they spend hundreds and millions of
dollars to produce those movies
are the ones that don't get picked up
usually the lower budget ones or is that
some of them that are still high budget
ones or
kind of what is that dynamic and it's
really just a personal question or a
personal interest question but i was
just curious
well i think we have to break it into
two parts one is there's hollywood makes
their movies and they are already like
marketing it while they're making it and
then they
spend probably sometimes more money than
it costs to make
they spend in p a to get it out into the
world so that they can get that initial
box office
which will then in the old days it
actually did sort of up the ancillary
rights where you could you know on all
the other
windows nowadays you know a plus
so that's a hollywood movie now then
there's the film festival movies which
are made for far less money that a film
that hollywood can come in and pluck
and we hear about some of those deals at
sundance which by the way i think today
day two of sundance so that you're
talking to an independent filmmaker
um and sundance is in utah so all the
better i've actually
i haven't gone to sundance but i've been
to the same resort that they hold
sundance at so
anyways small world so although it's not
there this year but um
i oh i didn't even know see i i don't
keep track as much as i should
it's okay it's virtual this year and i
think they have a pretty amazing
it's a lot more interactive so that they
built themselves is
from what i hear but so you can also you
know hollywood will come in and pluck
a an independent filmmaker out sorry and
a filmmaker an opportunity and put them
on some of the
now main streamers um let's just talk
the world of covid right now because
we're not doing theatrical screenings
in any effective way um so there's
you're okay i know i got lost on the
question what was the question i think
that no i think it answers
so there's a few different types of
films ones that are big blockbusters
they make it they promoted themselves
some of them get picked up just because
they do well enough or it's interesting
enough for the film
the theaters or streaming services now
think that they can make a go of it
and then the vast majority don't i think
the original question i had is just you
know are these a lot of
inexpensive or low budget feel or movies
or is it people dump a lot of money
into these films and they never go
anywhere and it's you know it's a
bigger gamble or a bigger risk because i
think that was the original question
it's a it's a it's a big gamble right
like even hollywood movies
like look at the lone ranger right like
they spent um
i don't know half a billion dollars
making that movie
and then they had to spend another half
a billion dollars marketing it and it
was a total turd and nobody watched it
right and then
there are films that like the film
festivals especially the markets
where a film might have been made for a
couple hundred thousand dollars and then
you know amazon or netflix comes in and
buys it for seven or eight million
and releases it and they take the rights
for three years right
pay the filmmaker eight weeks or
or every quarter so um there's lots of
different scenarios but
i think nowadays it's about great
quality content
great stories and i don't think it
matters as much what the budget is
if you're like i agree there's there's a
my myself
my wife and myself love to watch movies
it's always fun
we have a great time and we we we
consume lots of movies for
most of what we do for date nights um
but with that so now
so you kind of have this realization you
know you've been working in la
circling back to now your journey just a
bit but working in la
you know you get to see the ins and the
outs you get a great experience you get
nominated for an emmy you all go through
all those things or emmy or grammy i
forget which one it was
um and you know you have that thing and
then you you've kind of
come to this realization that you have a
lot of films now that we've chatted a
bit about them
that don't get picked up for a myriad of
reasons whether it's they don't have a
pr strategy they don't if you know
people don't watch them they can't you
know whatever it is and some of them are
great films
and so how did you then kind of with
that realization start to
form a business around it or form a
company around it
well the first thing i noticed in
getting to really be part of this all
festival circuit is how many films are
not picked up and how many great ones
right where people mortgage their
homes in order to make these movies and
they are sweet and they are deep and
they are
you connect with them and they even many
times have you know stars in them and
yet they didn't get picked up
and so i thought why don't i should
start kind of naively
my producing partner carlo and i decided
let's start indie flicks
which will be a marketplace for
filmmakers to come it'll be
they can put it up there we will we will
assume the cost to getting it live and
making it
there this was pre-streaming so this was
dvd on demand
and streaming came in we pivoted and
started to stream content
which was obviously much more affordable
for us but it was interesting
the journey with that um these
you know when you start a company you go
in with these
this great idea right because it's
fulfilling a need
and then you realize oh there's this
whole other component that nobody told
me about
and that's the human condition right and
when you are going in to help solve
no people are resistant to change it's
unfamiliar they don't always trust
it so the biggest thing was filmmakers
were saying well i don't get it it's
non-exclusive i can put it up there
it's the opposite of hollywood first of
all i don't trust you
you're not a distributor you've never
done this before so i i can't believe
and so the few that i could convince to
come onto the platform
we're basically like okay so i still own
my rights
i can take it down anytime i want you've
just paid to put me up there and you're
going to deliver and you're going to be
transparent in your accounting
and you're going to pay me my my portion
we're going to rev share and i'm like
and so then when they finally put it up
there they're like okay where's my money
and it's like well have you been
letting people know it's there so that
they can buy it because we're providing
everything you else you need
and we're letting people know it's there
but you need to market to your audience
you know who that audience is because
you've made this movie you've been to
the field
yeah you raised the money like you know
and they were like
i'm not a marketeer i'm a storyteller so
i'm like i
okay i remember being in that space and
you know then you got the other people
who are like because we were so early
with streaming that they were like
i'm not going to put my credit card
online that just doesn't feel right it's
but you do when you buy a plane ticket
you do for dvd
like i don't understand right so it was
just getting people to
do that and then people were like i
don't want anybody watching my movie on
an iphone right
because everyone that whole controversy
like oh you can't watch mission you know
like a big beautiful movie on an iphone
that's just terrible you have to watch
it in a theater on a big screen
and so there was that whole conversation
and then like the world economy went
into the toilet in 2008 or seven
and you know it's just like watching the
world do its thing
and knowing that filmmakers are people
and they need
mothers and managers and so like you can
create this wonderful platform
that is actually like you it's a little
hard to believe it exists
but it does so just getting them to
actually trust it and to participate in
and then coaching them to say but you do
know how to market
because you raised money and you got
into festivals and you got pee
butts and seats and you like and then
encouraging them to do that and
it was just like wow like this is and
then of course the other side is we grew
so much
that we had over 12 000 titles with
worldwide rights and we streamed
globally and we were
content from 85 countries and i had so
many filmmakers
that my whole time was spent talking to
them and they're like i've been up there
for three months and i haven't seen any
money i'm like well are you marketing it
are you doing this
you need to help me so then that was my
world and i'm a filmmaker and i thought
i'll just hang a shingle
naively and empower filmmakers and we'll
all be in this together and we'll learn
from each other
and i ended up in a role that wasn't
what i expected
and so today i now make content
and distribute and create tools we learn
from each other we share
and it's well it's just way better now
so but it took years to get there no and
i and i think that's
you know but that's a lot of the plight
sometimes of an entrepreneur right you
have a great idea
first of all you have to figure out how
to implement that idea but even once you
do that it's now
creating the market or convincing the
market that there's a need for it and
then once the market's convinced it's
you know
how do we now operationally launch this
get it going and get people that are
willing to pay for it they're willing to
you know do something about it
and they're willing to use it and you
know that's that's both the fun of it
the stress the frustration all wrapped
in one
so now as you've you know had that
realization got things going
started to work on and i think these
also shifted we chatted a bit
more about um you know do moving to kind
of social
impact films a bit more offline into the
communities screening events and
everything else or otherwise kind of
looking for
the community impact and that's kind of
where you focus the core
but now looking towards the future kind
of where do you see
the next six and i i know that the film
industry in particular is a bit unknown
covet and theaters doing down going
virtual streaming platforms with all
that in mind
kind of where do you see the next six to
12 months going for you
well so pre-covet so there's two parts
of our business one is the streaming
side of the business and then like you
mentioned the social impact side
i decided to go back to to you know my
own filmmaking roots and i got involved
in social impact films
which instead of i realized i got this
one film it was about
fine it was called finding kind it's
about girl bullying and i watched into
my living room as a rough cut they were
looking for some finishing funds and i
watched it and the first thing i felt
was i wanted to talk to somebody
and i didn't have anyone to talk to and
i'd been bull so bullied as a kid
that it just brought up so much for me
and i thought
wow so we ended up bringing in some
finishing funds and
instead i said can we just take it to
schools to
watch in schools and not put it online
right now and let's just do that for a
little while kind of like our
version of a theatrical and then we'll
put it online because we'll do that to
just raise awareness
and we took it up to my daughter's
school and screened it for the sixth and
seventh graders
and it was so powerful that before
we could even think about ways to go to
other schools they were already calling
and that started this whole other side
of the business where
and i will tell you my stakeholders were
scratching their heads they're like
you're the ceo of a global streaming
service and you're putting energy into
little school screenings
which was like yeah i know but there's
really strong demand so now cut to
you know now we do you know 10 000
school screenings for a particular
across 90 countries so it has just
into a whole nother arm of the business
that is purely offline
but then let's cut to march when covet
hit and we
pivoted and now instead of sending out a
link where they would basically use
their venue
and put their butts in seats and license
our content
to have a conversation whether it was
about anxiety or bullying or empowerment
or equality
now they come to our platform we do
virtual community screenings and we can
house anywhere from like 30 people
to 10 000 people in one event
and then we're now getting them to cross
over into the streaming side of the
where they can access 4 500 more titles
of content for a purpose so
i went in i let go
you know two-thirds of our library
because i really wanted to focus on
being a platform of content for a
purpose content for good
bring us together build community with
content and to learn about the story
behind the story
no and i think that's cool i think
that's a certainly
an exciting direction to go and
something that you know
is can be impactful and you know have be
rewarding in and of itself
well now as we've kind of chatted
through your journey it's always a good
transition i always have two questions i
asked towards the end of the podcast
we'll jump to those now
so first question i always ask is along
your journey what was the worst business
decision you ever made and what did you
learn from it
so the worst business i actually have
all right go ahead one is
i hired the person with the best resume
but they didn't quite i didn't quite
connect with them
i just i had done so much on my own with
you know i'm an nyu dropout i don't have
a marketing degree i don't have a
business degree
so i did so much on my own i kind of
discounted my own
sort of knowledge and wisdom and insight
and experience of growing the business
on my own with
advisors and and people involved and i
thought i need to bring someone in who
can really help me take that business to
the next level
and instead of hiring someone that i
just completely connected with
i hired a person or people i've done it
multiple times and i've now really
learned my lesson
who just had the resume right like
they had done this before they were big
time they did it in their sleep they
were a phone call away from something
and i just thought great this is the
silver bullet
and it was disastrous each time because
they either needed too many people too
many meetings a whole bunch of money to
implement they didn't move fast enough
they came from
massive organizations and while that
sort of like that person and that title
being in this tiny little company looked
like something i realized you know they
didn't have the same
ammunition the same tools that they had
become accustomed to
to you know operate so beautifully in
that world
they couldn't re they couldn't replicate
that in our small world
so um i i really now stick with my gut
i go with the person with yes the skill
but mostly that i connect with like that
we get each other because you're going
to be like married to this person
the other thing i would say a bad
business decision
which is really more of a personal thing
i used to when i was fundraising i would
go into rooms and i would do all my
homework and all my studying and i would
do the heavy lifting and then the minute
i crossed over
into that room i gave up my power i felt
like because they had money they knew
more than me
they had total control whatever they
said was going to be
the gospel and it took me a while
to start to realize they're not always
going to be
have the right idea and and response
they're not all going to be smarter than
and by the way 99.9 of them were men
and 98 97 98 percent of them were white
men which
was fine and i would have not even
noticed that until like in today's world
but i would go in and i would literally
leave my
myself at the door and that's a mistake
so no i definitely i mean those are both
two lessons to learn from i think that
you know definitely
one's understandable how you make the
mistake and also too i think learning
from our stakes always our mistakes and
how we can do better
always makes us stronger so i think
those are both are great or great
now as we jump to the second question
which i always ask is
if you're now talking to a startup or a
small business what would
you know somebody that's just getting
into a startup or small business what
would be the one piece of advice you'd
give them
i think um harkening back to what i said
in the beginning you have a great idea
you can even have the funding for it
but you need to leave room in the
execution of that model to have that
variance the human
condition variance um you can do all
you can pull all the data you can
interpret all the data you can look at
all the comps you can see all this stuff
and i will tell you like you can you got
to go with your gut you've got to do gut
checks all the time and you got to leave
a little room
for something to happen and i don't mean
be negative like
it won't work that way so let's pad it's
more like
something amazing could happen in that
little space that you leave for magic to
but also be prepared for oh like for me
when i started learning like
the response from filmmakers from
audience whether it was using technology
the entitlement of being live on
something and where's the money like the
piece the familiarity piece the trust
um is a big one and you have to leave
room for that to
be breathing and alive and pay attention
to it
and then um i would also just add as a
bonus be honest
have integrity don't do things that put
you out of integrity with yourself it
will come back to bite you
no and i think that that's that's
another great insight and they're a
great piece of advice in the sense that
too often you're wanting to cut corners
or you're wanting to
do something that's in the gray area on
the line and well it's just this one
time and yet
i think that having that integrity and
being honest has a big impact that over
oftentimes overlooked but is a major
well as we wrap up and just as a as a
reminder to viewers with
this episode we do have the bonus
question talking a little bit about
intellectual property and what and uh
your biggest question you have on it but
as we wrap up before we uh
jump to the bonus question and wrap up
the normal episode um
if people want to reach out they want to
find out more they want to support the
you know the community impact they want
to see the other
other things you have going on they want
to be an investor they want to be a
customer they want to be an employee
they want to be your next best friend
any or all of the above what's the best
way to connect up with you and find out
just go to indieflicks.com it's like
netflix but indieflix
uh f-l-i-x indeed i-n-d-i-e not like
cars but i-n-d-i-e-s-l-i-x dot com and
you can go in there
there's a lot of information you can
sure you can see the catalog of
content you can watch but i think going
into like the education sector of the
you will get to see our social impact
films that were out and there's lots of
opportunity to participate with us i'm
looking for new people to film for my
next film race
which is a documentary about the impact
of race and racism on our mental health
and how we can raise the next generation
to be anti-racist
so i am looking for support on that
and for people who want to bring our
other social impact temple films
into their communities schools and
well awesome well i definitely encourage
everybody to check out
indie or in your indie films or indie
by going to indieflicks.com um super
support your causes and
and maybe even somebody will uh apply
and be one of the people on your next
movies who knows
um but with that as we wrap up thank you
for coming on the podcast
for all of you that are now listeners if
you have uh your own journey to tell
feel free to go to inventiveguest.com
apply to be on the podcast
also if you're a listener make sure to
click subscribe so you get notifications
as all our new awesome episodes come out
and leave us a review so new people can
find us last but not least if you ever
need help with your patents and
trademarks feel free to go to
strategymeeting.com and we're always
here to help
thank you again sheila it's been a
pleasure now hold on and we'll do the
bonus question for all of you listeners
you're wrapping up thanks for listening
and now we'll go over to the bonus
so bonus question is a bit of you get it
to turn the table so i usually pepper
you with the questions and get it
or pick your brain a bit and ask you
about your journey but now
with i do a lot of patents and
trademarks have miller ip law
so flipping the tables a bit what's your
number one intellectual property
so i have um a program a film
a product which is um one of our movies
it's about mental
it's a mental health film which has all
these wrap around materials and a
curriculum and a book
and i have an opportunity to take it out
into china
and i want to protect it
yeah i mean china's china is always a
bit of a mystery or
a bit of a wild west in the sense that
you know they are
i would say 20 years ago they just
didn't care about any intellectual
property if they could
i remember so i lived in taiwan for a
couple years with uh doing a religious
mission for my my church and i'll get to
your question but give me a side
so you know my parents after i finished
my mission we went and toured around
taiwan for a bit we also went to china
both places i remember you go to what
they have night markets are
and they would just have people that
have stru or movies
were strewn on blankets and it would be
new movies that were still in the
theater you could buy them and they were
good quality like they were good films
you could buy it you know they weren't
legal but you could buy them on the
street and they were selling them for
five bucks and so you want to go watch a
new movie you just go buy it for five
bucks on the movie
and uh so that was kind of their
approach now they've
now that as they've continued to enter
the world stage they are looking to try
and be more respectful of intellectual
and they're trying to actually recognize
that you know if we're going to have
people that are entering into our
economy and wanting to sell things and
be a bigger world player we have to have
some sort of structure in place so
with all of that as kind of a backdrop
you know generally
same within the us as anywhere movies
are protected under copyrights meaning
if you're gonna do it
anything that's creative a creative work
whether it's books movies or posters or
anything else
you're gonna file as a copyright so you
can do that in the u.s if you do it in
the u.s it protects in the u.s so you
know anything that
any of your customers if you're wanting
to make sure that they don't infringe
your copyrights or
they're not they're taking on a big
scale you file a copyright really that's
your best bet in china and they're you
as far as that you can enforce it
they're getting better but they're the
wild west is still a bit of the wild
west so it's better than nothing
but you're going to just probably when
you enter in china just have to have the
recognition that
it's going to be less you're going to
have less options to protect it than you
would in the u.s
does that make sense yeah and there's no
international kind of copyright
um it's not almost ever and i can't
think of an exception everything really
with intellectual property is going to
be country by country and so you have to
and that's kind of the same thing
whether it's a trademark and branding
let's say you wanted you know you have a
great brand in the us you want to go
expand out you have to file your
trademarks in europe or china or
and so really everything is country by
country because every country has a bit
of their own laws
they don't have their own kind of fee
structure they have their own
determination as to what's trademarkable
or copyright or bowler patent so
unfortunately there isn't just an
international one that you can file
and it is kind of just going on a
country by country basis
okay all right well with that thank you
for your question this is fun a little
bit to chat about intellectual property
if you have if you or any of the
listeners have any more questions feel
free again to go to strategymeeting.com
we can dive in a bit deeper and always
chat but for there we'll wrap up the
thank you again sheila and wish the next
leg of your journey even better than the
thanks devin you take care and take care