How To Understand SEO
Garit Boothe (
Devin Miller
The Inventive Journey Podcast for Entrepreneurs
How To Understand SEO
The Inventive Journey

Starting and growing a business is a journey. On The Inventive Journey, your host, Devin Miller walks with startups along their different journeys startups take to success (or failure). You also get to hear from featured guests, such as venture firms and angel investors, that provide insight on the paths to a successful inventive journey.
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that's why i like to make it super clear
lay the tech foundation
you create one page of content of
for every single keyword you want to
rank for and if you're in a big niche
you're going to want to rank for
thousands of keywords
and then get other websites to link back
to you which is his own kind of specific
type of pr
those are the three things that compile
seo and any seo company that's good
will be creating content getting links
for you
hey everyone this is devin miller here
with another episode of the inventive
i'm your host devin miller the serial
entrepreneur that's grown several
startups into seven and eight figure
as well as the ceo and founder of miller
ip law
where we help startups and small
businesses with their patents and
trademarks and if you ever need help
with uh
with anything feel free to reach out to
us at miller ip law by just going to
now today is another great expert
episode where we have an expert on to
talk about some things that are helpful
startups and small businesses and uh
today's guest is uh
garrett uh booth booth is that right
that's right
okay and uh we're gonna talk a little
bit about seo and we've had
we've discussed seo a bit in the past
with some other expert episodes
but this one's going to be a little bit
more kind of both technology company
and also a little bit more on the
technical side of what does seo means
and some of the considerations
and the ways you approach it so a little
bit more of the the back end and a
little bit more on the tech side
as opposed to what we talked about in
the past so i'm excited to dive into it
so with that welcome on the podcast
garrett hi devon glad to be here
so before we dive in and we'll
definitely dive in to talk a little bit
about seo but tell everybody just you
know one or two minutes a little bit
about your background
why it is that you're an expert and why
they should trust you and listen to your
yeah absolutely so i've been doing seo
strictly for the past five years been
doing it overall
past seven eight and um my first real
uh experience with it was a small
e-commerce company
uh based out of here in utah or i
believe we're both based out of
and uh um they had an
off-site blog that was um
frankly i don't know i don't know why
they wanted to create a blog that was on
a separate domain but you see companies
doing that sometimes
they weren't making any money from it
was kind of a sunk cost and i said is
there anything we can do here
and i was you know running a lot i had
my hands on a lot of different marketing
pies with my first real marketing job
and i said well why don't we just take
this blog and redirect it
over to our main website where we sell
the products and i did it in a very
with seo in mind and i did it in a smart
way and it turned out making
a ton of money for the company and so i
go oh this seo stuff works this is
pretty cool
so i just kept and i actually had hired
an seo agency
uh that didn't work out as well
so um i fired them
took it in house learned everything i
could and it was a big success and so
that just
i was just off to the races after that i
stuck deeper and deeper
and to this day you know i'm still i
still love just
you know manipulating google right one
of the biggest companies in the world
and i manipulate their search engines
for my clients
no that sounds like a fun and a kind of
interesting way to get into uh
to seo and get into that aspect of uh of
your business business so now let's dive
into a bit of the technical expertise
and talk a little bit so
you know like maybe a softball question
but you know looking at seo you work
a lot with you know tech companies and
particularly i think a little bit with
but give us an idea of if you're in the
because a lot of our listeners are on
technology whether it's
you know doing and i work a lot with
them with patents and trademarks and
but you know you take the tech company
is there anything specific or different
with seo when you're looking at it as a
perspective from a tech
company as opposed to other kind of
companies whether it's services company
you're a restaurant or you're a small
business or you're an e-commerce
is there anything different that they
should be considering when they're when
they're a tech company or
in fintech definitely and uh sorry i
realized i didn't totally answer your
question before
in my own background as you mentioned
now i do focus exclusively on
tech companies for seo um particularly
in fintech
and um you know have the opportunity to
work on some
some big brands in my career like
verizon and at t
uh but i've also lost and then i moved
to fintech after that
so i've worked on huge brands and i've
also worked on sites starting from
for example launching and
uh yeah you definitely approach it
differently both
on in for when you're working uh for a
big company versus a small company
versus local versus national
and so uh there's a there's a number of
things you have to take into mind
if seo is the right fit for you and how
you approach it based on who you are
so one bottom line are people looking
for you on google
google has 90 of the search market share
being in yahoo and a few others exist
but really we're optimizing for google
and you know if people aren't googling
what your product or services
don't do searching don't do seo don't do
search engine marketing anytime
so that's first and that applies to a
number of bdb niches for example
i did a little work for a um
an insurance api tech company
uh you know for for some reason they
thought seo was for them
because they'd seen all these other
companies grow grow with it but
it turned out what they were building
was just way too technical
and so i said sorry this isn't a good
match for you but for other companies
and you see a lot of these success
stores like gusto right the um
the heat they've grown to be this huge
you know payroll provider
tech company it's been a huge growth for
because people are looking at payroll
terms so that's the first
baseline thing but let me so let me dive
in with a question a bit on that because
i mean one thing i've always wondered so
you have
everything from you know restaurants or
mom and pop shops right
to you have some and one and more
wondered and i don't know the answer
hence why i ask you i'm
generally interested is let's say you're
whether you're a local plumber or you're
a home builder
or you're our landscape architect you
know some of those are
a lot of it is word of mouth you do it
in the local area
and so how do you determine if people
are searching for you or if you should
even dive into seo meaning
you know you don't know if hey really
you know if i'm a carpenter should i be
putting my stuff online would that help
my business or really that just going to
be all the local people in this word of
mouth and referrals
and i shouldn't worry about seo how do
you kind of go about starting to weigh
yeah totally yeah so i'd say first if
people are searching for you
um you know then you need to find out
who's searching for you are the kind of
people that you want to do business with
which is which sometimes the people
searching for your products i know this
because i've worked in lending
a lot of the people that are searching
for lending solutions have terrible
so only 20 of those will be qualified
anyways and then uh you know what's the
competition how hard is it going to be
to rank for those keywords so
like you mentioned a local service
provider if you're a carpenter a plumber
even an attorney right which is usually
bound by geography
um it's going to be less competitive
because you only compete with those
local service providers around you
then the question is let's say you're a
you know local service provider
um you know what's your budget that's a
huge factor i know that that seems
really basic
but you know you can't really do good
seo on 500
a month unless you as the owner have
that expertise
so if you go out and want to hire a
consultant or an agency
you probably just you'd be better to do
some advertising right
yeah no i definitely yeah now one
question i've had and i think
that starts to answer and i'm going to
follow it up is
how do you know that people are
searching for you mean let's say you
take someone that isn't various suit you
know they have
great in their craft i'm going to use a
carpenter just as an example you know
that does woodwork
let's say i'm really good at carpentry
and i have you know great
i have no idea if people are searching
me in the sense that you know i know
that i have people that are locally that
are referring to me
or that you know that i have a book of
business with you know
home builders or others that i'm using
but i don't know if people are searching
for me so i don't know if i
were to start to get into seo or build a
website or that if it would increase my
or it'd be a time sink and i've always
wondered because you know
when when we built a house previously in
that we had a great carpenter and i
don't think he
if he has a website is so obscure that
nobody would ever find it i don't think
he does and he's not very technical
and i've always wondered hey would he be
great if he were to build a website and
seo and would it
5x his business or would he just or sync
a whole bunch of money so how do you
even start to dive in and determine
whatever the industry is as to whether
people are searching for you
yeah that's a great question so uh what
i would start
as the seo service provider is i was i
have tools that tell me what the search
volume is so i look at what you do and
just see
do people google let's say you know
you're a carpenter in morgan utah
people googling morgan utah carpenter if
you get
500 searches a month for that that's not
bad because if you could rank number one
for that
and you'd probably get anywhere from
probably around 300 people a month to
your website
300 people a month actively searching
for a carpenter yeah
that'll 5x your business um and and
you know but for people that don't have
those seo tools that i have to be able
to look that up
i'd say you know you probably want to
look for a service an seo service
provider who
is in your niche there's lots of people
who focus on local seo
that's what they call it local seo so go
to one of them
in their pitch they can show you all the
take a look at the pricing you know and
and that's probably where you'd start
and they could give that to you for free
and of course the best way to hire
someone this is true for any industry is
through referral right somebody you know
has done great
for others and and i i i'm sad to say
um there's a lot of seo and digital
marketing providers that don't
do a good job we kind of have a bad
reputation in our industry
so uh you know it's it's great if you
can find someone who's done great for
somebody like yourself
no and i think that that definitely
makes sense so now kind of shifting a
bit of gears and
you know kind of to follow on to that is
one one of the things we talked about
and it kind of dovetails into that is
you have
a lot of different types of businesses
right some of them are b2b
b2c sas which is software you know
making or
explaining those acronyms for those that
don't know b2b is business to business
b to c is business to customers are you
selling to other businesses are you
selling direct to consumers
is it software as a service that is you
know basically it's a monthly
subscription or otherwise using software
to provide a service or other tech
specific if you're in one of those
industries you know how do you how does
that affect how you do the seo
or what does that mean or mean when
you're starting to tackle or dive into
yeah yeah so um that's a great question
so kind of like we were talking about
you know if you are selling products
nationally or even internationally right
but let's stick with nashville
um you know you're going up against
anyone else who's trying to rank for
that keyword so if you're e-commerce
or you're a software provider right
you're competing against anyone else and
so that's what kind of gets back to the
competitor analysis that i talked about
earlier see if your keywords are hard
or easy i have some clients um
believe it or not even though they're in
industries with
big players nobody's doing seo and so
it's really easy
to rank for their keywords other places
like for i can think of
several different finances for example
if you want to rank for anything
credit card related okay when i was
working at a finance company nav
i was able to rank number one nationally
for the keyword business credit cards
and i had to almost i had to really
work hard on that one and i was still my
full-time dedicated job
you know so ranking for one number one
for credit cards forget it
never going to happen unless you
dedicate a whole team to it so
you look at the competition are you
nationwide are you local
what's your industry uh how difficult is
the keywords in your industry
and then you know a good service
provider can can guide you on
how you tackle that from there um
so now and i think that definitely makes
sense i think that you know one of the
things that
people often times hey i'm just seo and
all this it's the exact same for every
industry and for every you know
and that's part of probably the reason
that sometimes you have bad or bad reps
not to mention
you know at least on the other side i
always get blasted by a whole bunch of
spam and junk emails and
on linkedin and everything else you just
bombarded and some are
probably very good at their services and
a lot of them you look and they don't
have hardly any clientele or any
experience and they're really
just doing very minimalistic things that
they took you know a course or they
figured out or they watched youtube and
they're trying to get going and i'm not
saying that there's anything wrong with
but it gives the industry a hard to
figure out who's the good ones and the
bad ones
because you know they don't know enough
of what they're doing to really
specialize in that so i think that that
definitely makes sense that you know
learn what your market is and your seo
if you're doing it yourself or something
you're hiring someone should
or should do some of that in analytics
so now let's get a bit into that
technical side so if you're to talk a
little bit about kind of the
technical side of seo kind of what that
back end might mean what kind of
backlinks are pr is and kind of what
people should start to consider
you know take it kind of assuming that
one that they don't know a ton about it
and two that they haven't hired a firm
they can do it for them kind of what are
some of the things that they should
start to be aware of on the technical
totally so first off let's talk web
the whole point of technical seo is just
to make sure that your website is
indexed in google in other words that
show up so your first goal is when
people google your name
you show up and i know that sounds super
basic but especially for new businesses
doesn't happen a lot of times so first
what you want to do is
get a web platform that's easy to
operate and so if you're
you know on a shoestring budget maybe
you're a local service provider or just
a tech company
just started bootstrapping um you know
do wix do
square do one of those they're really
cheap really easy to go you don't have
to ma you don't have to mess with
hosting or setting up or it's very easy
to set up email through
they have hookup connections with with
gmail and
because your tech platform is the basis
and if you're a company with um with a
little bit of budget i'd say stick to
i've worked at companies who built out
their own internal
what we call content management systems
cms's and they're horrible
and wordpress is free so so just
you know get wordpress there's plugins
that you can use to give you advanced
um and and they're different and those
will give you
seo capabilities that otherwise might
take a team of developers and so
there's a lot of things i look at in
tech seo um i'll crawl you
i have a number of tools that i pass uh
a site through
um how many urls does your website have
do you want all of them to be public
is every page on your website linking to
other relevant pages
google works on a system of links um
when a page shows up
the listing actually in google is
actually comes from your code your title
tag and your meta description in html
are those completed do they make sense
are they conveying a message that
going to make people want to click so
there's a whole bunch of weird nitty
gritty little things to look at on the
technical side
um but but to be totally honest with you
you know you hire somebody like me
we know all that stuff and and even just
a quick project
one-time project can get you going with
solid tech foundation or if you're
hiring a web development or
web designer make sure they have good
seo people
making sure that seo side of things is
checked off most of the work when you're
doing seo once you've laid a solid
technical foundation
is creating keyword-centric content and
getting other websites
to link back to you and i think
you know devon if i may because i've
thought a lot about this
this is the part of seo where people
kind of go like like what
backlinks well you know what is that
because because you know if you want to
i've talked with marketing executives
where they'll spend one two
three hundred thousand dollars a month
on google ads because it makes sense
you pay money you get an ad people click
on it they show up to your website
versus seo is kind of like this
dark art and all these weird different
but again that's why i like to make it
super clear
lay the tech foundation you create one
page of content
of content for every single keyword you
want to rank for and
if you're in a big niche you're going to
want to rank for thousands of keywords
and then get other websites to link back
to you which is his own kind of specific
type of pr
those are the three things that compile
seo and any seo company that's good will
be creating content and getting links
for you
so now just as now correct me where i'm
if i were to simplistically try and
break down what a backlink is is that's
basically whether it's a hyperlink
or other ways of directing people back
to your website meaning so let's say you
a great piece of content you got
published by forbes or new york times or
whatever the outlet is
and then they give a link back to your
website that would be a backlink that
people can
follow that the internet they can index
or google can index
but that people can also follow it back
to your website to find out more
information is that a
fair or simple summary exactly that's
google based it's if you go back to the
90s and read the original
stanford phd paper on
their idea for google it's based on
links and even though there's been a lot
of changes
that's still the platform so the
creators of google
see a link of one website to another as
an editorial vote
because if you as a content creator or
as a webmaster think that somebody else
is valuable enough to work to to worthy
a mention
in the form of a link that probably
means you've done something right and
so over the years there's been a lot of
people who try to create spam links
and you know you'll pr if you manage a
website you'll see people trying to spam
you for a link
that doesn't even really work anymore if
you go into most forums
the links that you can get from those
don't really count
so there's some links that carry juice
or equity if you like if you like
and others that don't and as an seo
person you know i know which ones do and
which ones don't but generally
if a link requires you talking to
another real human
it's probably going to be valuable
no i think that that that definitely
makes sense and now one thing that we
kind of got into that that was an
interesting way of putting it was
backlinks are really kind of a form of
pr in the sense you're trying to provide
valuable content that people are going
to naturally want to
share or otherwise put on their website
and link back to you is that a
fair kind of how does pr work with
backlinks or kind of how to
give us a bit of an explanation on that
that front yeah that's a great question
so yeah how do you build backlinks so
there's a variety of techniques for this
i'll start off with a simple one that's
very common it's been around for years
it's called guest posting
so anyone who owns a website you
probably devin you've probably been
swamped with people asking you for a
guest post opportunity
and the reason that they do that is
because they want to include a link
back to their website or their clients
website in the content that they provide
for you
so the idea is i'll provide free content
for you
if you link back to me and that has
become such a common
such oversaturated technique that now
many publishers say yeah sure you can
a piece of content on my website and pay
me an editorial fee
so uh google doesn't want you to do that
but that's
i'm telling you that's the way palms get
greased these days
so you can either reach out to other
websites ask them
if you can provide some content for them
or simply mention you
if what your content says is relevant to
what they're already talking about
and you have to do a lot of outreach um
but you know doing that kind of guest
posting or link mentioning is very very
now one kind of flip side to that
because i if i were to argue again
i don't know against it but if i were on
the other side i'm saying okay i've got
a great website we get a lot of traffic
now i'm maybe hesitant to link to
someone else because then they go off on
my website
they go off of my page so how do you
kind of overcome that if you're trying
to get the backlinks you're trying to
get the pr
to get people to link you know to do
that linking because that you know what
the worst thing is if i do a whole bunch
of time and effort to get someone onto
my website
and then i link to somebody else's they
go off into somebody else's they never
come back they never convert
and it creates that issue so is there
any thoughts as to how you make that
yeah that's an interesting point and
generally speaking
because i do a lot of this kind of guest
post outreach
the websites that are willing to allow
guest posts don't care about that
most a lot of websites i'd say most they
don't allow anyone to guest post on them
unless maybe they know you already right
um in terms of the traffic that you'd
if you look at the analytics click
there's different tools you can use to
see where people click and how much
traffic where traffic goes
generally and in if you write an article
an in-content article link that's like a
little blue link
not a big button or something just a
little blue link they almost never get
clicked on
so that particular concern although i
think it's extremely valid
usually it's not a problem most of the
time it's just that
most people asking for a guest post will
really write terrible content
and so that's why people say no um
i think the best way to really go about
it though and i gave guest posting as an
easy example
is to create content that's so good and
that's citable
link worthy has unique data has great
design and visuals to it maybe you add a
to the article too it's so excellent in
a way that nobody else's internet has
done it
when you reach out to people in your
industry who are interested in what you
they say wow this is worth a link i want
people to know about this and that's the
best way of going about it
but it's very very hard but that's
that's kind of like the holistic way of
approaching it
no i think that definitely makes sense
because i think it to your point i think
it's hard if you were to get hit up a
lot of times saying
yeah you can write an article but by the
time i have to read through it i have to
look at it
and then i have to make sure it fits in
what it and even i all of that is like
it's not worth it i'll
either write our own content or you know
unless it's you know to your point
unless you're like a blog place where
you're featuring a lot of guest posts
or you're providing information or
you're something of that nature
but if you're a just a company or
commerce you're gonna say it doesn't
make sense to fit in with us so
definitely just was an interesting
question well i'm gonna we're starting
to wrap towards the end of the podcast i
do have one more question
and you know i always say one more
question i probably have more than one
but um if you are a startup a small
business and you
you're either in this spot that you're
not convinced that you should invest or
you really don't have the budget to
invest in it yet
what are what's the best way to at least
start to tackle seo or start to get in
involved in this to help your business
to the degree that your budget allows
yeah so i'd say hire some and this is
what i
tend to always do hire someone for a
one-time project
they can do keyword research they can do
a technical audit of your website
and just make sure that you're optimized
for google make sure that there's a
couple of different free google programs
so first
off sign up for the google search
anyone can do it um you can just google
search console
formerly was called webmaster tools and
you can sign up your website for that
get your website set up with google
analytics that's free
so right there if you do those two
things um
you know that's very helpful because
google will communicate
you know important information to you
that way and then
you know hire someone to do a quick
audit do a quick
um uh you know
keyword research and if it's worth
pursuing um
maybe see if you don't have the budget
tuck it away for maybe a year later when
you're at a better place
or or if you can you can maybe just
start by writing one article a month
around a strategically important keyword
and that's something anyone can do no i
think and i think that's great advice at
least get to see if
it's worthwhile if you should start
tucking things away do the things that
you can
reasonably understand i think one that
maybe add is at least work towards
providing content right
even if it's not perfect even it's not
that's an easy one that you can start
whether it's a blog video otherwise it's
providing content that's relevant to
your business such that even if it's not
you can at least start to generate it
and then start to soft that money away
such that when you are able to or you
have the budget
to start to engage in seo and you know
that you need it and it's worthwhile to
well as we wrap up if you're to give
kind of one last tip
for people that are listening as to the
if they could only do one thing if it
all they had the time for or the budget
for as related to seo what would that
one tip be
no guy that's interesting i'd say um
you know get signed up with search
console that's google's official seo
that they'll they'll tell you if there's
errors on your website that you need to
it'll tell you how much search traffic
you're getting and that's just the best
way to get started
awesome well i definitely uh definitely
encourage people at least get started at
least start to become familiar with it
you know and if you never get going
you're never going to reap the rewards
and it's one of those that you kick
if you kick down the road eventually
you're going to be
or fall behind or otherwise needed for
most businesses unless as you said there
are businesses that simply don't need it
or don't need to engage with that
well as as we wrap up if people want to
reach out to you they want to find out
more they want to be a client they want
to be a customer they want to be an
they want to invest in your business
they want to be your next best friend
any or all of the above what's the best
way to reach out and find out more
yeah uh i have a
strange spelling to my name
g-a-r-i-t-b-o-o-t-h-e here at
and uh
you can find me there all right well
awesome well i definitely encourage
people to reach out to garrett if you're
looking for seo whether or not you need
it figuring out what that might entail
how to
get it going and how to engage with that
definitely reach out to garrett
and i want to say thanks for coming on
the podcast it's been a pleasure
now for all of you that are listeners if
you have your own journey to tell or
your own expertise that you want to
feel free to go to
and apply to be on the podcast
two also if your listener make sure to
one click subscribe in your podcast
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as well last but not least if you ever
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or anything else with your business
reach out to us at miller ip law by
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thanks again garrett and wish the next
leg of your journey even better than the
it's been a pleasure thanks devin
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