Have Sufficient Cash Flow
Dr. Christy Kane
Devin Miller
The Inventive Journey Podcast for Entrepreneurs
Have Sufficient Cash Flow
The Inventive Journey

Starting and growing a business is a journey. On The Inventive Journey, your host, Devin Miller walks with startups along their different journeys startups take to success (or failure). You also get to hear from featured guests, such as venture firms and angel investors, that provide insight on the paths to a successful inventive journey.
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you need to make sure that you're
looking at sufficient
cash cash flow to be able to do what
you're doing i think one of the biggest
startups make is they don't recognize
the amount of cash it will take to get a
business off the ground it usually takes
twice as much as you think and twice as
so it's important to be mindful of that
hey everyone this is devon miller here
with another episode of the inventive
i'm your host devin miller the serial
entrepreneur that's grown several
startups in the seven and eight figure
businesses as well as the
ceo and founder of miller ip law where
we help startups with patents trademarks
and everything business related
and if you ever need help with yours
just go to strategymeeting.com
we're always here to help now today
we've got another great guest on the
podcast they're all great guests and
this is certainly there she is certainly
no exception
dr christie kane and uh just as a quick
introduction to her so
she went uh was going through her
college degree and started out i think
in pre-law and then moved over to
psychology and kind of as she was then
going through
the doctorate program decided why wait
let's open up a clinic and so was doing
a clinic
and was uh helping troubled youth uh and
troubled youth with i think you bought
it and anyway
she'll fill it in but i think bot known
to troubled youth programs
kind of started that and kept it growing
and then also was running
an online platform to help with mental
health issues as well
so if that much is a very quick
introduction and hopefully i didn't
slaughter it too much
welcome on the podcast thank you excited
to be here so i gave kind of that brief
introduction kind of that high level
overview but take us back in time a bit
to when you first started out in college
and kind of
how that journey kicked off for you so
yeah i started in pre-law and
intended to be an attorney and then
switched over to psychology
and within my psychology field let me
i know you barely start so i want to try
and interrupt too much but you know she
started out as pre-law wanted to be an
what made you decide to switch over to
psychology or to kind of switch or
tracks well at that point it was
pragmatic in the state of utah where i
lived there wasn't any part-time law
schools and i ended up being married and
wanted to start my family and so it was
either go to psychology part-time
or try to figure out how to go to law
school full-time while having a family
so it was just easier to go to
psychology and
i had minored in psychology so i already
had an interest in the field
so that's how that switch came about so
you're saying one is hey
program doesn't offer for the situation
where i'm at and i could either try and
adjust it or i'll go into this other
thing that has also interested me
and presents a good opportunity and so
you go so now you
get or you switch from law and i'd
assume that the the pre-law versus
psychology is a bit of a different
mindset i don't know i think all
attorneys need to be psychologists or
attorneys need to have psychologists you
know they need to go see one i'm just
but anyways yeah it was you know it's
still about dealing with humans
and human behaviors and you know
everything an attorney will do will deal
individuals whether it's a
constitutional law case or whether it's
you know business law or whether it's
domestic law i mean it deals with humans
and behaviors and choices right
no absolutely so there's an interesting
psychology play there
no and i i tend to agree in the sense
that you know there's a lot of
overlay with i think that understanding
people's psychology has
overlays and a lot of things everything
from sales and marketing and
understanding how people make purchases
to the law and how they
make their decision making to you know
almost across a lot of this
different industries i think there's you
know when you're dealing with
and you're having to work with that
there's a lot of value into
understanding the psychology that goes
behind that so
now you make that you know that switch
you say okay i'm going to go into
psychology you did it you know part time
as you're
doing your family and that and then how
did you kind of get into
is as we mentioned during your doctorate
program you started getting into the
business side of it
you know i've always owned businesses
prior even going into my psychology
field i ran
and operated a mortgage company and so
when i was in the middle of my
master's um you know they started
explaining what they paid
interns which was zero to maybe a couple
dollars because you were anticipated to
pay your dues and i was like
yeah i'm not gonna do this i'm not gonna
work for nothing and so i figured out i
could open up my own clinic
and bring in a clinical director and
have a supervisor and be paid a wage
and so i did something very different as
a matter of fact even the director
of the university was like you know
we've never had a student
graduate and do that and i was like well
you know what i'd rather make money and
get my 4 000 hours then work for free so
it worked really well
um so that's so so hot so because i
you typically don't hear why you're
doing your graduate degree you're going
to work for someone else to your point
you're going to pay your dues
so how did you find that opportunity of
hey i'm going to actually go and make
money i'm going to run something as
opposed to just
pay my dues type of thing how did you
get that idea and then how did you
actually implement it
well going through my master's program
you have to do
internships 900 hours at different
facilities and that kind of gave me a
good idea to figure out how
outpatient services run and know that i
could do that
you know and there's so much now
available in
electronic billing and scheduling and
you know hiring an
admin and hiring other clinicians and so
it just worked you know i paid attention
in my residential in my residency not
just to the uh
taking the notes and learning about you
know diagnoses but i watched how they
ran the businesses and went i could do
as well you know so i think anybody
who's wanting to
you know start or become an entrepreneur
needs to learn from those who are
already doing what they want to do which
is what i did
so now but then i think that's very
insightful now how did you actually find
the business that you were able to start
or were going to start and then did you
i think we talked about but i could be
completely wrong that you bought it or
you acquired it you otherwise
purchased into it or kind of how did you
get into that part of saying that's
where i'm going to start well i started
outpatient therapy and bought a
commercial building hired clinicians and
staff to work for me
then four years into that because i had
done some of my residency
in in a residential treatment centers
for kids
i recognized that i didn't like what
they were currently offering and so i
started to look at what nobody was
offering so that i could offer a
different residential
type treatment modality i also went to a
different state than the state i was in
because the state i live in is the
capital for residential treatment
so i went to a state that had need and
then i opened up
three residential centers that were
different than anybody else was doing
one was a 500 head cattle ranch
and two were equine therapeutic
intervention programs and i took the
tough kids at jjs contracts in the dhs
so i had guaranteed population
and so that's not what about that one
question i i had
as you kind of talked through that which
was you know so you were still going
through your doctorate program hadn't uh
you know hadn't
defended your you know defended your
thesis or anything of that and yet
so when you're hiring you know you get
the building you hire these people on
was there any sort of tension or hey
these people you know because they were
i assume
and maybe correct me that they had their
doctorates they'd already paid their
dues and so they're coming to work on
for someone that hadn't gone through all
was there any sort of tension or
pushback or were they happy to be there
kind of how did you navigate that so i
already defended my thesis i didn't have
i just on my master's level i just
haven't done my 4 000 hours
and no one seemed to have an issue as
long as they knew that i was paying the
paycheck you know
people as clinicians go to work for
business people who don't even have a
field in psychology but they all
you know they own a mental health clinic
and so i really didn't get any pushback
on that
as a matter of fact we worked as a team
and they offered insight you know if i
had questions
on clients that i was working with so it
was very positive
no and that's interesting you know
because you know in my mind and
what your explanation makes a whole lot
more sense you know the legal field you
basically you go and you're a law
student for a period of time
and then you graduate you par past the
bar and then you you know you go either
start your own firm or you work for law
firm so
a bit of a different circumstance if
you're a law student starting your own
law firm
and hiring lawyers you know it would be
an interesting dynamic but i think to
your point hey if the paychecks are
there and
the business is there what does it
matter who's running a type of a thing
right so now so you do that and then you
you mentioned and jumping back to where
you're at you start doing the troubled
youth programs
and getting into that was that kind of
an extension of what you guys were doing
how did you decide hey we want to fold
that in with what we're doing
it was a complete shift actually because
my outpatient clinic was in utah
my residential treatment centers are in
this we're in the state of nevada
and so um and then after i opened up the
residentials i closed the outpatient
because the residential had
more lucrative income and required more
of my time
and i really enjoyed working with the
adolescent population as a matter of
had i not been put out of business by
that state making some poor decisions
in getting money that was uh embezzled
i would probably still be running that
but we ran that for six years very
and then i shifted over to now we run
because we live in the electronic world
we run a mental health stabilization
platform that's on electronic devices
for corporations schools healthcare
entities and first responders so i've
even shifted so i've gone through three
major areas of mental health
outpatient residential and now we do
daily empowerment modules in an
electronic platform
so now so now that's what i was going to
just get to so you shifted yet again so
youth programs and now you're having to
run that dynamic and then how did you
get into not only that
but kind of now running the online
program and the online model for mental
health and diving into that as well
well it's an interesting time in our
society and i think mental health is
going to be the new buzzword coming out
of 2020 with the impact of kobud right
and we've seen increasing mental health
issues at younger and younger ages and
broader populations
and so we have to start looking at what
can address this crisis
in new innovative ways because
individual therapy one-on-one is never
going to cover the blanket of what's
in our society and so as a corporation
started looking at that we were actually
approached by
some schools we were approached by some
to help in their mental health side so
we actually created
a platform to meet their needs because
they approached
us with their problems okay so
so now was it kind of diving into that
was it
you know you say it live in interesting
times and you know certainly covet has
a large impact on mental health was it
kind of
in tandem with covet or was it you know
what you're already looking at it
and anticipating this or because it was
that a pivot that was caused by covet or
just happened to
or line up with that we were already
seeking to stabilize because the mental
health statistics were off the charts
before covet hit you look at 2017
with you know 25 of the adult population
dealing with mental health issues and
that's 2017
and now you're coming out of 2020 with
almost a 50
ratio coming into play so we were
already in that
aspect and then um it just worked
perfect because we pivoted right into it
and so even now
um we're seeing more and more
connections being able to
you know work on mental health right now
no i think that you know
that it interesting how things have
shifted because
because i agree mental health is always
a you know a major issue that uh people
have to deal with
regardless and it's you know it seems to
be one where it's on the rise as opposed
to on
you know the down slope which was where
we'd like it to be and then kovic comes
along and only
further exacerbates or cut or creates
that so now more than ever
so now as you've kind of made that so
are you running
and then i didn't catch it are you
running all three still at the same time
with the original clinic and the
troubled youth and also the online
mental health or kind of
where's your focus and kind of where you
where are you building towards in the
our main focus right now is our mental
health empowerment stabilization
and so you know and you'll find this
interesting especially coming from the
legal perspective
osha has mandated for years and years
for corporations to have to do different
policies and procedures for
you know physical health and making sure
that everybody's protected and nobody's
in harm's way
but also has a huge side that's mental
health that most of corporations and
entities have kind of just
sat aside but you have a bunch of
attorneys right now beginning to draft
um legal actions and threatening
to um move forward in lawsuits against
corporations who aren't
incorporating mental health
stabilization and so we're staying in
that whole mental health
empowerment platform we're not doing the
we do the outpatient still because our
therapists do telehealth within that
electronic platform
we don't do the residential centers
anymore but we do work on that daily
empowerment in our
in our lines of corporations first
responders education and healthcare
and so now with with that focus where do
you kind of see things going in the next
six to 12 months kind of both within
your business and with the the field in
i think you're going to see much more of
a microscope on how do we stabilize the
mental health of individuals
you know it's ironic within our climate
of covid
which is decreased socialization and yet
we know neurologically the human brain
human connection and then we look at
also the reality there's a lot of study
coming out of
um uc davis about the fact that the
human brain is designed to grasp
and that negativity creates horrific
and terrible mental health and you look
at the
the pivots of our society in the last
year that i think you're going to see a
lot more talks about
how do we stabilize and empower positive
mental health and go back to some of
those basic neurological needs that
humans have to have
and one question you know kind of maybe
just isn't a side but a
question that came up or in my mind as
you're talking through that is so
you have covid which is also just
lockdowns you have people working from
home and it's interesting because
on the one hand you have it seems to me
and i could be wrong i'm certainly not
an expert in the field
you know as people are isolated working
from home they they don't have that
human interactions and it seems like
people are wired to have or want or like
enjoy human interactions the desire to
you know be with other people to talk
through and to have that air support
group and so you remove that
and yet you'll also be having a
shift within the marketplace for people
more and more wanting to work from home
so how do you balance that on the one
hand people are saying hey i love
working from home because i don't have
to commute
i don't have to you know do those hours
and on the other hand
you know it seems like it's having a bit
of a negative impact where people aren't
getting out and socializing as much
you know it's an interesting statistical
analysis we definitely have seen all
mental health rates increasing across
the board due to the isolation
because humans are meant to connect we
also took away people's uh
coping skills like a lot of people dealt
with stress by going
to the bar after work or going to the
gym or lots of different aspects right
but we just
eliminated everything that helps us cope
as humans but yeah neurologically the
brain is wired for human connection
oxytocin and serotonin are released when
we spend time face to face
so we have to have that and as far as
productivity that's an interesting
analysis because you're right a lot of
people are arguing hey i love working
from home
but then you also have to look at the
statistical analysis of productivity by
and you also see especially the younger
they're starting to say i'm sick and
tired of being in social media and on my
phone and in zoo meetings i want human
i think you're going to see both some
people saying they want to work from
but others saying no put me back in the
office to put me back in school put me
back around my peers because i need that
human connection
so it'll be an interesting balance no i
it's hard i mean i said as an employer
there is a
balance of how pro even though people
say they love working from home how pro
or productive are they when they're
either dealing with you know mental
health depression or just you know
anxiety or not being able to go out
but you will also be able to concentrate
and also through you know
be able to bounce ideas off of it having
zoom fatigue and so it's a hard place to
i think all the way around as to how to
balance all those issues and i don't you
know it's not an easy
problem to solve so i think that you
know doing all or
doing what you guys are doing to try and
balance that and help other people out
and doing that certainly has a need in
the marketplace
well as as we start to wrap up with the
podcast i always ask two questions and
so we'll jump to those now
so the first question i always ask is
along your journey what was the worst
business decision you ever made and what
did you learn from it
you know the worst business decision i
ever made as an early
business owner in the field of mental
health was not
to fire employees as quickly as i should
and it ended up costing quite a bit in a
few of my residential centers because
i kept giving second chances and that
was a big
mistake and so i've learned very clearly
to set protocol
and to set guidelines and what are
termination policies and then to follow
them because
sometimes it's better to fire than to
keep an employee who can potentially
damage your business and so that was one
of my biggest mistakes was not to
let someone go soon enough no and i
think that you know
it is hard you know as much as you watch
the the television shows or the movies
and people are just quick to fire
when you're in that circumstance it's
not nearly as easy to say oh you're gone
you know because you know them you've
probably developed a friendship with
you know that you know they're if they
have a family or kids and they're
supporting them and everything else
and yet so you have all these you know
attachments to many on the other hand
a lot of times if you don't let them go
and they're not performing or that it's
not doing well
it can either create a bit of a toxic
environment or it can
start to pull others down or in some a
lot of times it even is
they don't do well perform well
themselves right in the sense that it's
not a good environment for
them it's not where they're going to
thrive and so even you know as a
courtesy to the employee themselves
letting them go can sometimes be the
kinder thing and yet it's never the the
fun side of being the employer
and yet it's a lesson you have to learn
in order to make the business successful
so i think that that's
certainly an easy easy mistake to learn
and or
easy mistake to make as anybody and also
one to learn from
yes very much so so now we'll jump to
the second question which is so if
you're now talking to someone that's
just getting into a startup or a small
what would be the one piece of advice
you'd give them you need to make sure
that you're looking at
sufficient cash cash flow to be able to
do what you're doing i think one of the
biggest mistakes
startups make is they don't recognize
the amount of cash it will take to get a
business off the ground
it usually takes twice as much as you
think and twice as long
so it's important to be mindful of that
no and i think that you know it it's
it's everybody always seems to hear the
exception like well i did a really good
job planning and i'm you know i know my
stuff and
everybody else they say that and that's
true for everybody else but for me i'll
keep it on
you know time and on budget and yet it
i've yet to see anybody that holds true
in the sense that there's always things
that come up there's always the unknown
there's always things that you didn't
anticipate and so take or planning on
whatever you think is your best plan
doubling it or even sometimes tripling
saying it's going to take longer more
amount of time and more amount of money
than you
anticipated i think is a much better way
to plan for a business
than just simply trying to do it down to
penny and down to the time and then not
having that cushion built in
yep so so now as we wrap up and this is
a reminder everybody we do with this
episode as with several others we've
the bonus question we'll talk a little
bit about intellectual property so
hang on after we wrap up the normal
episode to hear that answer and or that
question and that answer
but as we wrap up otherwise for the the
normal podcast episode
that people want to find out more about
the work you guys are doing they're an
employer and they want to implement your
program or they're an individual they
want to check it out
they want to be a customer they want to
be an investor they want to be your next
best friend
any or all of the above what's the best
way to reach out or find out more
so our website is three six zero kane
k k-a-n-e dot com so 360 kane.com or
and they can practice through that well
i definitely encourage people to reach
find out more and uh and check it out
because i think there's certainly a need
for it well for all of you listeners
again there's a bonus question but
otherwise um
if you have your own journey to tell
make sure to
go to inventiveguest.com and apply to be
on the podcast
also if you're a listener make sure to
one click subscribe so you get
notifications as all the new awesome
come out and two leave us a review so
new people can find out about the
podcast as well
last but not least um if you ever need
help with patents trademarks or anything
else with their business feel free to
reach out to us by going to
now with that so now we'll jump over to
the bonus portion of the podcast which
now you get to turn the tables a little
bit i always get a pepper you with the
questions and dive in and cut you off
everything else now for on the flip side
what's your top intellectual property
you know it's interesting because in
soft sciences
like my field intellectual property is a
very blurred
area because people seem to think that
you know let's say you created all these
statistics put together a study and you
share it
anybody sitting in the audience is going
to be the wannabe next presenter will
copy everything that you've done and
and you know and run with it so how do
you recommend
people in the soft sciences um
protect their intellectual property
because it's not so much a patent like
you know we didn't create a program
or some type of new machinery it's more
intellectual it's research it's it's our
evidence it's
what we talk about yeah no that is a
a fair and valid question it's not an
easy answer so i mean sometimes patents
work and give you an example and then
you know but i would say that's the
one of the clients is a is a doctor we
work with that deals with thought with
ketamine and for other uses without
getting into what he's doing
but he has figured out a new way to
utilize ketamine and some of what he's
doing in his practice
such that it lends itself more to
patentability but to your point if
you're doing a lot of research
you're not doing a product you're not
doing a software you're not doing
hardware you're just really doing
research and then
implementing it patents generally don't
apply or they're
difficult unless you fit to the
exception that you know the one that
you can but again it's a bit difficult
is trademarks sometimes if you build a
brand so let's say
whether it's you know tony or uh was
tony rogers
the big speaker that's what i was gonna
say rogers didn't sound right robinson
um you know he's a motivational speaker
and he tells everybody he's built a huge
brand and so in and of itself that brand
has a lot of value
because people read his books they go to
seminars and even if you're a smaller
brand and you're saying hey we built a
good clinic it has a good reputation
we want to when people think of that
that goes more into the reputation and
the branding you can start to protect
or if you get into lecture series or
book series or
presenter on a period of time you can
brand it but that's again almost a bit
of an exception
in the sense unless you're building a
big brand if you're just doing the
research you're doing the development
and then you're implementing it you
publish some papers
you may be presented to but it's not
you're building a brand around it
then it may not fit in the trademark the
other one you can do is a bit more on
copyrights and copyrights are more for
books or for your that actual
information and so if you're saying hey
wrote a great book it has a lot of
research details and people are starting
to copy that or they're knocking it off
or otherwise taking
that actual information then you can
protect that with copyright so that way
it protects against people just
blatantly copying or using your
information without your permission when
you've done all that research and that
now the difficulty with copyrights is
that if they
take the foundational information but
then they put it in their own format
their own way of saying
speaking about it then there there isn't
good way to protect it in the sense that
just the information the foundation
for the you know research and the
clinicals if it's published and people
then use that as a foundation they do
their own thing with it
then you probably aren't going to be
able to capture that other than if you
if you can write a book you can write
those papers that are the seminal papers
that everybody refer to
you can you utilize the copyright there
in order to say hey if you're going to
quote our stuff if you're going to copy
it you're going to use it then you have
to get it give us a license
but there is is a hard question so those
are some of the ways that go about
protecting it
otherwise you just otherwise you're just
gonna have to say hey we're gonna out
research we're gonna have a better brand
better reputation we're gonna be the
ones that are the forefront that people
just by our
reputation alone you know kind of the
medical doctors that everybody knows
that hey they're the
authority they know what they're talking
about they know what they're doing
sometimes it's just having to compete in
the marketplace
if you don't fit into any of those
categories that makes sense
yep it it is an interesting area
especially when you're a soft science
not a hard science
yeah and i mean even you know you think
about it if i were going to some other
the service industries it kind of has
some of those parallels let's say you're
the world's best plumber and you're no
one is a good plumber well unless you
you can brand you know if you can create
a brand people know it but
otherwise how do you can do a really
good job people know that you can
you know be able to do it more quickly
do it more effectively and yet how do
you do that so i think even
whether it's any service and plumber it
can be service industries lawn mowing it
can be
you know doing a dry cleaning can be
doctors it can be medical it can be a
lot of different areas
and just saying hey i just got to build
that reputation such that when people
refer to it
you know there are avenues that i can
protect some aspects of it but for
others i'm just going to have to
build that reputation so with that
there's the answer to your top
intellectual property question i don't
know if that provided a full answer
because there isn't an easy answer for
um but if anybody else has any other
intellectual property questions feel
free to go or you do as well uh
or dr dr kane feel free to always reach
out to
reach out to me at strategymeeting.com
grab some time to chat
and we're always here to help and with
that we'll we'll go ahead and wrap up
the podcast thank you again
dr kane for coming on it's been a
pleasure and i wish the
next leg of your journey even better
than the last thank you so much
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