Virtual Patent & Trademark Marking (Patent/Trademark Protected By Miller IP Law)
Virtual Patent & Trademark Marking
The following items are:
- Protected by patent(s);
- Protected by trademark(s);
- Protected by copyright(s);
- Pending protection with patent application(s);
- Pending protection with trademark application(s); and/or
- Pending protection with copyright application(s)
* This protection may be in the U.S. and/or elsewhere, as indicated below
This website is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including the virtual patent marking provisions of the America Invents Act and provide notice under 35 U.S.C. §287 (a).
The following list of product(s), brand(s), creative(s), material(s), item(s), patent(s), pending patent application(s), trademark(s), pending trademark application(s), copyright(s), and/or pending copyright application(s) may not be all-inclusive, for example:
- Some products listed here may be covered by patents or patent applications in the United States and elsewhere that are not listed.
- Some products not listed here may be protected by one or more patents or patent applications in the United States and elsewhere.
- The following list(s) of product(s) may be covered by one or more of the following Patent(s), Pending Patent Application(s), Trademark(s), Pending Trademark Application(s), Copyright(s), and/or Pending Copyright Application(s).
The status of any Patent(s), Pending Patent Application(s), Trademark(s), Pending Trademark Application(s), Copyright(s), and/or Pending Copyright Application(s) may be found at the corresponding governmental database, such as:
- US Patents/Patent Applications:
- US Trademark/Trademark Applications:
- US Copyrights/Copyright Applications:
Everlinx Permanent Jewelry
Product | Patent #/Patent App. # |
Evershield | US18/527,996 |
Brand | Trademark #/Trademark App. # |
Evershield | US98/391,972 |
Everarc |
US98/055,071 |
Acquisition/Licensing Requests
If you would like to inquire about a license and/or acquiring any of the intellectual property items listed above, please send all inquiries to