Getting Started/Strategy On Demand

Get Expert Advice For Your Startup

As a founder, co-founder, or CEO, you have a LOT of things you have to deal with (especially at the beginning of your company's journey). No one person can be expected to be an expert at everything needed to get a startup up and running.

So we've decided to help.

At Miller IP Law, we help hundreds of startups and small businesses reach their IP goals. We asked ourselves "How else can we help these startups?" So we put together a network of experts that are willing to offer their advice!

If you need help with a specific topic, find an expert! We've included their expertise, name, and a video of them sharing their expertise so that you already know who you're going to work with.

We have experts on:

Intellectual Property


Social Media Marketing

Email Marketing

Startup Accelerators


& more!

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Miller IP

Tips for Buying and Growing a Struggling Business - Miller IP

Tips for Buying and Growing a Struggling Business

Many entrepreneurs like the idea of buying a struggling business and turning things around by making better management decisions. After all, owners of distressed businesses...

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Resources for People Who Want to Start a Business with Limited Capital - Miller IP

Resources for People Who Want to Start a Business with Limited Capital

If you're like many Americans, you may dream of owning your own business. However, if you don't have a lot of startup capital, you might...

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