Pay Strategy On Demand - Amy Wills

Use the Payment Portal to pay for your Strategy on Demand, and use the form underneath it to send your appointment link to your email.

Social Media Marketing

Build and Leverage Your Following

I spent most of my adult life in the pharmaceutical industry in a fast paced compounding pharmacy. I loved the satisfaction of working with budgets and strict deadlines but something was missing. I worked alone nearly all the time! While I work well alone, I also enjoy the motivation that comes with working with others. It took me 10 years and A LOT of stepping out of my comfort zone but I have finally found what I love.

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Miller IP

Tips for Buying and Growing a Struggling Business - Miller IP

Tips for Buying and Growing a Struggling Business

Many entrepreneurs like the idea of buying a struggling business and turning things around by making better management decisions. After all, owners of distressed businesses...

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Resources for People Who Want to Start a Business with Limited Capital - Miller IP

Resources for People Who Want to Start a Business with Limited Capital

If you're like many Americans, you may dream of owning your own business. However, if you don't have a lot of startup capital, you might...

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