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Intellectual Property

Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights

Darrin Burnham is an attorney with Miller IP Law, with experience in a wide range of matters relating to Intellectual Property. Darrin enjoys representing clients at all levels, including several Fortune 100 companies, prominent local leaders in technology, as well as start-up companies in all stages and independent inventors.

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Miller IP

Tips for Buying and Growing a Struggling Business - Miller IP

Tips for Buying and Growing a Struggling Business

Many entrepreneurs like the idea of buying a struggling business and turning things around by making better management decisions. After all, owners of distressed businesses...

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Resources for People Who Want to Start a Business with Limited Capital - Miller IP

Resources for People Who Want to Start a Business with Limited Capital

If you're like many Americans, you may dream of owning your own business. However, if you don't have a lot of startup capital, you might...

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