How To Use Technology

The Inventive Expert 
Episode #61 
How To Use Technology
w/ Aaron Golbin
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What This Episode Talks About:

How To Use Technology

"You don't have to use or make your own technology. You can just go online a free API free open-source code and just start using AI. It can really improve your business and improve your customer experience. So, I think that leveraging artificial intelligence with any company or most companies rather is super important, and it defiantly has a big application."


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Starting and growing a business is a journey. On The Inventive Journey, your host, Devin Miller walks with startups along their different journeys startups take to success (or failure). You also get to hear from featured guests, such as venture firms and angel investors, that provide insight on the paths to a successful inventive journey.

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 you don't have to use your own technology you don't have to make your own technology you can just go online get a free api free open source code and just start using ai and it can really improve your business and improve your customer experience so i think that leveraging artificial intelligence any company or in most companies rather super important and it definitely is a big application [Music] everyone this is devin miller here with another episode of the inventive expert i'm your host evan miller the serial entrepreneur that's grown several startups in the seven and eight figure businesses as well as a founder and ceo of miller ip law where he helps startups and small businesses with their patents and trademarks if you ever need help with yours just go to we're always here to help now today we have another great guest on the podcast aaron uh goldman and aaron we're going to talk about a few different things and that includes kind of technology um using it our technology as far as for ai debating and for predictions and producing uh prediction or predictive information about users and for users um maybe a bit about media and taking immediate for people and curating it aggregating it and what that might mean and also a touch on a better innovations and uh educational products and how to or use those to include improve not include improve retention for kids so be a lot of uh great areas and a fun discussion and with that much this introduction welcome on the podcast aaron thank you devin great to have you great thank you for having me absolutely so i just gave kind of a quick run through some of the the topics at hand or the areas of expertise but before we dive into those uh for those of you that didn't catch your inventive journey episode on the inventive journey podcast uh maybe just give a one to two minute kind of quick introduction about who you are and why you have experience in this area yeah sure so i'm a youth entrepreneur i've been an entrepreneur since the age of eight i found a co-founder been involved in eight startups and companies to date i'm the founder and ceo of which is the largest online debate platform in the world by activity so we allow anyone to go online and debate with others while connecting with others as well and we have a bunch of revolutionary ai products so we're really innovating in the ai space of online communication debating i'm also the founder and ceo of the american post which is a brand new startup and we're the first hub of opinion articles in the world so we allow people to go online and curate opinion pieces as well as political research if they're a premium member to view different articles on political topics global topics on 40 or more issues uh featuring foreign policy domestic policy and others on opinion pieces from various different publishers as well awesome well that's definitely a a fun area and i'm excited to chat with the with you about it there are several of those areas so maybe just diving in so you know one of the areas i think is a hot area it's also it feels like it's becoming a bit of a buzzword is the idea of ai or machine learning and using that technology because everybody says they have ai and half the time is true and the other half of the time they have something that's very rudimentary and that you know a couple decision trees and they say hey this is ai and now it's predictive right so within that is you're looking at kind of debating and or incorporating ai how do you or how do people go about even thinking about a why is whether it's specific to debate platforms or using it for other levels of prediction how do you or what's the how do you go about even thinking about incorporating that into technology yeah so i see ais being very powerful because it can allow humans to be freed up from work that they should not be doing in the first place work that they can you know really be automating much more as well as having ai help humans uh improve their skills so what debate island does is we leverage ai to improve debating skills as well as writing skills and critical thinking skills in the education context as well as just the consumer product context so we have a bunch of different ai products the first one is deborah ai which is what we call our artificial intelligence suite of products so debra ai analytics and that's a bunch of different analytics using very powerful data on arguments as well as users so we can tell you how considerate your argument is what you can improve on your grade level uh and various different metrics of those kinds which are super unique then we also have deborahii prediction and that's the first of its kind in the entire world we allow users to see the prediction uh on debate so we can basically predict the winners of online debates or the winner of online debates with very high accuracy all through artificial intelligence and a proprietary algorithm and we also have user analytics in terms of political affiliation and presidential candidate as well as argument analytics on that level so we can predict with high accuracy the political affiliation and presidential candidates recommended for the 2020 election cycle for users as well as arguments and that includes you know joe biden donald trump and a bunch of others so now one question that you know kind of comes up so you talk about predictions i think that that has a much greater expanse or application to a lot of businesses in other words a lot of businesses are trying to predict everything from you know what users will buy or what users they should advertise to or purchase or when they'll make purchasing decisions or in your case you know how to debate the outcomes might go so as you're looking to incorporate ai in how do you go about setting up intelligent enough ai that it actually has some meaningful feedback or meaningful use to a business yeah our aria is pretty advanced for sure we're using a bunch of different apis open source we're using a lot of proprietary algorithms as well which we built in-house so it's definitely advanced and just looking at our data sets and looking at what our deborah ai has predicted we have very high accuracy i mean almost everything is correct in terms of prediction so it's based on a lot of different factors and a lot of different data trees and i think that it's super powerful and that really shows its application no and i think that that makes sense and so um you know one of the interesting applications that i thought you talked about is you know using predictive data you know for users about users with with regards to debate now walk us through a little bit and within not getting into anything proprietary anything that's too uh too behind the scenes for you guys but how do you go about doing that because i think that that has insights into if you're looking to predict you know outcomes of debates or who might win or who's a stronger debater or the topics and whatnot you can uh do a lot of those same or carryovers with the with other areas so how do you guys kind of go about uh making some of those predictions yeah definitely so online communication especially debating obviously is very text based uh so we have a lot of natural language processing or npl and that's a big factor in terms of understanding what the text is like so we can figure out is it going to probably win or not we ask we have a lot of various analytics that go into it that's actually from deborah ai analytics so our suite of ai products really worked together in a very good way we utilized ai analytics to power debra ai prediction in in a small way as well so we take a lot of different factors from that and we figure out what what is the likelihood that they're going to win based on specific factors then we compile it all together in an algorithm and then we come up with our prediction as well as npl and obviously apis fair enough so no i think that that that's uh there's certainly an interesting application in interesting area of ai so now maybe uh switching gears just a bit and talking a little bit i'm about kind of the media aspect of because i think one of the other things that you guys are either doing or getting into is curating mid air media aggregating content getting uh you know research and opinion pieces and again that you know wallace is a bit more specific to the debating platform it also has a lot of areas because people are always looking to one every business is trying to figure out how to put out content whether it's for seo and to increase engagement and to otherwise you know get people interacting and coming back to them not only just for services which is the end goal or for product but also to kind of have them actively and keeping them forefront of mind so as you're looking to take media to you know people and doing that curation aggregation all that what are some of the steps that you know people should be thinking about or otherwise looking to tackle as they're looking to set that up maybe within their own businesses yeah sure so the american post was a totally separate entity from debate island uh we're basically giving people the power to see what opinion articles they want to see um right now there's a lot of polarization in the media you have two different sides basically and a lot of information is really unfactual or it's just absolutely nuts and it's really it's not reflective of american society it's really just these two media uh bubbles so what we're trying to do is allow people to go and see any rpms they want to see based on what they want to see so they can curate content i think that aggregation is really powerful because you can you don't have to produce original content oh we also produce original content which i think is really factor-based and high quality you don't have to do that you can just take articles in the legal context uh from various different publishers and you can produce that in an interesting way that it has a good user experience so that can be curated by yourself that can be curated by your users if you have a platform that can allow that technically there's a lot of ways to display content which i think can be really really interesting and can make a good business so if you're looking at so one of the questions as far as being kind of that curation or aggregation is because there's always that trade-off with curating versus creating the own your own content there's kind of pros and cons within both in other words if you're getting content from a lot of places i mean kind of the platform in the one sense you have a lot of content on the other sense you always have to worry about whether or not you owned it whether or not you have the rights to it and even also as to whether or not google is going to ding you because now you're simply you know not in a bad way but regurgitating other people's content as opposed to original content and it looks at that a bit of a different way so how do you go about kind of weighing that as far as looking to be a content aggregator versus creating the original content yeah sure so we're not a media house uh we're a technology company so we're similar to let's say flipboard or smart news but really for opinion uh we're just giving people a functionality to go and to curate their own opinion articles so what we do is produce our own content which we think is really great we take in a lot of content in a totally legal way and we send articles to the original publishers if people click on it and we just allow people to go and to figure out how they want to see it and what exactly they want to see based on political affiliation what topic they want to see political research or actually just articles opinion articles rather and that's what i think is interesting in the venture so we're not uh a media venture really we're just a technology company and we're changing the way that people take in opinion articles i think that that uh definitely makes sense so have you as you've been implementing that and i don't know we didn't talk about this beforehand but i just was kind of interested as the discussion went along as you're curating that how does google or do you know how does google treat that in other words if people are kind of making that decision hey should i curate it and should i otherwise aggregate it or should i do all original content and google is trying to analyze that and see how you rank or whether or not you're important or not because everybody is that's online or predominantly uses google and that's how they find out about people um how do you kind of go about how does that go into er affect things as far as aggregation and curating yeah great questions so our company is totally unique and brand new uh we don't really reproduce uh content so the way that we're structured is we have a bunch of different pages and that's our home page where you can just curate your own opinion pieces we also have topic pages so like 40 plus different issues all around a bunch of different sectors and then we also have our about pages and things of that nature which are not really part of the functionality itself of the platform if you have a structure that way it's totally you know approved by google and search engines almost certainly uh you cannot go and just have content from like let's say the new york times or from fox news and just have it on your own platform we don't do that we have our own content in our own platform as well so we have our own articles and that's available on google and bing and other search engines uh worldwide and that's optimized for those searches as well so that's totally fine to do and it's definitely optimized for seo interesting so if i were to do that so and i was probably framing it slightly different and so i appreciate the clarification because when i typically think of aggregation curating it's going out and finding other articles and what you're saying if i understand it right definitely if i put the wrong words in your mouth definitely feel free to uh to uh clarify or to to correct me but when you're saying aggregation curating it's more you're still having original content but it's a lot of user created content and user provided information that allows you to provide a platform where people are able to share ideas share or share differently debate topics your information and so it's original in that sense and you're not having to all of yourself or all of your team or create all that content rather you're just simply managing is that right so we have the aggregation section where we've taken from a bunch of different publishers all over the world ap uh npr a bunch of others as well all over the political spectrum left center and right uh moderately center i mean moderately left moderately right as well and then we also have our in-house publishing uh sector as well where we publish our own content so those are those are two separate segments and we have it all in one platform where people can view all these articles in one user experience and this added curiosity and there's probably more for my curiosity so is it easy to distinguish between your articles versus ap articles in other words is there hey i know this is a original content versus this is something that's from a different source or do you tend to just say hey this is all news and we attribute it correctly but you know it doesn't have that distinguishment so i'm just trying to think if i was to go through it and say hey i want to see what's going on around the world versus i want to see original content does it matter to users does it do you need to distinguish it or it's all just kind of hey as long as it's meaningful content i don't care about the source yeah great question so throughout our entire user interface we have uh big distinguishing factors of both so first of all if it's curated content isn't to say by whoever the publisher is so buy on pr buy fox news whatever it may be if it's us we buy the american post and then as well if you click on the content itself to go and see you know to actually read it it's gonna take you if it's a curated if it's an aggregated rather piece of content it's gonna take you to the publisher's website where it's available because that's all we can do we cannot publish it ourselves we can display it on our own website uh if it's our content we're gonna take you to our platform in our very nice designed uh readers page for the article one other maybe shifting gears just one more time just because there are a lot of fun topics to hit on another one that we did or area that we talked on a little bit before the podcast was the areas of innovation and kind of creating and it kind of goes along with a lot of the way doing on the media side but as educational products and you know kind of almost see teaching people online about debates and discussions and getting you know improving kids retention and that so help us a bit understand is kind of if you're looking to create agile educational products and to teach and to otherwise help or help the community what are what are the kind of products you could be considering or what are some of the things there that you should look at yeah so we actually have commercial solutions for both the american folks and debate islands talk about a little bit both so it's a better only it's a bit on education which is an ed tech solutions award-winning um a lot of demand for it so we're really revolutionizing the sx space we're incorporating online debate in a casual way and incorporating artificial intelligence for the first time ever into the classroom through a debate format so we allow teachers to have online debating classrooms where you can view students can view lectures assignments discussions as well as debates all over five formats and leverage artificial intelligence to improve critical thinking and debating skills so for example a socialized teacher in wisconsin an eighth grade teacher can go and she can incorporate debate into her classroom so she can post a debate that they had in in the classroom regarding support some piece of content so let's say they were talking about american revolution they kind of debate about that topic and how the students debate it in the classroom all in real time online in a very easy way it's user friendly especially for middle schools and high schoolers as well and then in terms of the american post we have commercial solutions so we have the american post researcher the american post think tank the american post political ventures we also have the american post um think tank as well so basically we're allowing political research to be easily taken by these various ventures um that could be political campaigns it could be think tanks it can be individual researchers as well and i think that's really powerful and extremely unique and innovative uh and it's gonna really streamline their entire research process well i think that that there sounds like some great areas of utilization of training and teaching and otherwise providing information so now i'm going to shift gears and it wasn't one that we talked about beforehand but it's just one that was interesting because as you're teaching people how to debate as you're training as you're doing predictions as you're incorporating technology and as you're creating the platforms one of the things that it seems to and it goes on you know all sides of the political aisle is the conflicting air confliction between hey we don't want to have fake news or we want to have freedom of speech or we want to have let people debate or to say what they are and let the audience choose first we want to limit what is people said i'm not taking sides one way or the other because i can probably make arguments on both sides but how do you kind of sift through that if that is kind of your goal of one is providing more content to is teaching people how to discuss how to debate and also trying to be a bit of a a you know intermediary arbitrator that doesn't take science or is unbiased how do you kind of go through and balance all of those fake news versus not fake news freedom of speech and all those things as you're trying to to do that yeah so the answer is pretty simple and this is just my ideology personally let the users decide a lot of users aside so we allow the user to curate we do not touch in any capacity what is shown not google not facebook we don't do the biased stuff we let them decide what they want to see it's their decision 100 percent that's hard to debate island as well as debate news so that's just a big belief of mine let the users decide what they want to do and that's what we have going on in american filters no interference whatsoever by us or by any person or entity in what users see other than themselves because they can just curate content by themselves and so and decided again i'm more out of this curiosity you see that that is a positive in other words are people wanting or open to and willing to accept or at least be willing to understand that there's a varying different viewpoints because you listen to the media listen to the news and you hear both sides and again not taking sides because i think that you can argue both sides but some people are wanting more and less and so do people are they willing to and open to listening to both sides or at least or understanding their multiple sides of the debate and you know i just was curious more on mainstream media versus how people are actually debating or discussing things does that kind of line up with what we see in in reality or is there a bit of a disparity definitely so um we're frequently taught that you know fox news and msnbc cnn they're the big channels and that's what almost everyone listens to it's not true whatsoever actually a minority of americans listen to these crazy you know channels where you have uh just straight politics and it's usually very biased and that's on all sides right and left um most americans actually listen to non-biased news were a little bit of a biased news so nbc abc fox and pr ap which is totally unbiased and those types of uh publications so definitely there's a big demand for unbiased opinion articles and obviously opinion articles have bias in terms of political ideology because they're saying an opinion but you know what the what the background is whether it's left or it's right or to center it's always fact based and evidence based and it's not based on strictly ideology and just selfishness so i think that's super important in our platform and it's super important to me to give that kind of content you know and i'm probably a lot along the the same lines and since one of the things i always like to do is one i always like to play devil's advocate but two i think if you know if you're really wanting to be able to have a open and honest debate and discussion and learn and grow and to otherwise teach people how to do that it has to be a willingness to accept information from all sides and then you have to also learn how to sift through that so i just thought that was you know a bit of an assignment an interesting area because i think that it has applicability throughout a lot of things including you know if you're a small business or a startup if you're looking what kind of content we share what kind of platform should we do you know should we take a stance we're not taking stance there's always a lot of those implications you're having to decide your business and you know it's interesting to see how what that impact might have one way or the other so definitely actually speaking of that we also have a commercial solution just for companies so they can do exactly that they can figure out what opinion pieces um are shown and what opinion they want to take if any and that's gonna really help their investor relations their public relations and i think that's super important for them no i i couldn't agree more so i think that's that's sounds like it's a great tool well as we start to to wrap up the podcast i always uh wrap up with the one question so we'll jump to that now which is we've hit on a lot of different areas um of discussion which includes you know ai and debating and technology and predictions and media and curating and aggregation and different opinion pieces or research and the innovation and technology and education and and all of those things and so there's a lot of things that we've hit on and a lot of things that people could be thinking about and how they might uh utilize it or incorporate into the business and if you're giving if people are walking away saying there's a lot of things i could be doing but i don't have the time to do it all what is one thing that people could do to start incorporating or to utilize what we've discussed in their businesses yeah you don't have to use your own technology you don't have to make your own technology you can just go online get a free api free open source code and just start using ai and it can really improve your business and improve your customer experience so i think that leveraging artificial intelligence any company or in most companies rather super important and it definitely is a big application so i think that's a great point a lot of times people get a bit overwhelmed hey i have to build this and it's going to be a large cost a big investment and what do i do and how do i do it and you know if you were to build it from scratch yeah you're going to be investing a large portion i think there's a lot of whether off the shelf or otherwise kind of the build versus buy and a lot of time if you're buying it or otherwise utilizing what others people build it can help to leverage your business incorporate new and additional features that others may not be providing without having to build it from scratch so i think that's a great takeaway well if people want to reach out to you they want to find out more they want to be a customer they want to be a client they want to go on your platform and debate they want to go out in your platform and get some interesting articles or media and whatnot they want to be an employee they want to be an investor they want to be your next best friend any or all of the above what's the best way to reach out to you contact you find out more sure so first of all visit the american post dot versus american post at t-h-e-a-m-p-o dot com you can also find out more about the american post at the about visit at contact me at my email you can find on linkedin aarongolden all right well i definitely encourage everybody to check out the various platforms a lot of uh great uh information great uh platforms and a lot of the things that they can learn from so well thank you again aaron for coming on the podcast it's been a fun it's been a pleasure now for all of you that are listeners uh if you can make sure to let or leave us a review click share click subscribe because we want to make sure that everyone finds out about all these awesome expertise and then helps them as they are building and growing their businesses and with that if you ever need help with uh patents or trademarks or anything else with your business feel free to reach out to us and go to uh grab some time with us at chad we're always here to help well thank you again aaron for coming on and uh wish the next leg of your journey even better than the last thank you devon [Music] you

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