Be Open To Learning On Your Journey
Chad Price
Devin Miller
The Inventive Journey Podcast for Entrepreneurs
Be Open To Learning On Your Journey
The Inventive Journey

Starting and growing a business is a journey. On The Inventive Journey, your host, Devin Miller walks with startups along their different journeys startups take to success (or failure). You also get to hear from featured guests, such as venture firms and angel investors, that provide insight on the paths to a successful inventive journey.
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look at it as a continuous journey you
know there's no
starting into it you know it's a it's
something that you learn every day
you get better at every single day so
you know i i equate it to sports just
because you know i played sports and
in business athletically you don't have
to lose anything you know
your mind can just get sharper and
sharper and sharper and
i know now based on my experience in
having made decisions the decisions i
could have made better earlier in my
career and there's no way for me to
to improve on myself if i'm not a
continuous learner
uh throughout the process so yeah my
number one advice would just be
completely open to learning for the you
know for the rest of your life or as
long as you want to be an entrepreneur
not not getting stuck in your own brain
hey everyone this is devin miller here
with another episode of the inventive
journey i'm your host devin miller the
serial entrepreneur that's grown several
startups in the seven and eight figure
as well as the founder and ceo of miller
ip law where we help startups and small
with their patents and trademarks and if
you ever need help with yours just go to grab some time with
us to chat
now today we've got another great guest
on the up or on the podcast
uh chad price and give you a bit of uh
introduction so
chad played college football at rice
university always wanted to go into
business so got a double major
in a couple different things that he'll
touch on um then worked for construction
also played a bit of
ball after graduation and decided he
wanted to go
into business for himself started a
business with a couple friends and
he'll talk a little bit about what that
is and i believe it's still going and
you can correct me if i'm wrong
um and then kind of got to understand
different types of stores and different
types of niches
so in addition to the the company with
this friend which is i think kettlebell
kings and todd goes about kettlebells
also got into a bit of different brand
building different contents different
and expanded into i think living fit was
business you're in i'm starting doing
interviews and other fitness
and lifestyle products launched an app
also got into i think a
bit of cbd and uh hem company and uh
is also i think partnered with that
company with george foreman iii
so all sorts of fun things lots of uh
lots of fun parts to talk about his
journey so
with that much is an introduction
welcome on the podcast chad
all right thanks for having me so i gave
this kind of the brief quick run through
but maybe now going back a bit in time
tell us a little bit about uh playing
college football and rice and then
um how or how things started from there
sure i mean uh yeah well you know when
when i'm still
in college you know even at that point
kind of in my life
i i knew corporate america was kind of
going to be a pit stop for me i i wanted
to see what it was like to
uh to work for a corporation but i i
kind of knew in my heart that i wanted
to own my own business
um nobody in my family really owned
their own business i did have an aunt
who owned their own business for a while
who i worked with when i was younger
kind of motivated me to to choose that
um but i hadn't seen anybody do it to
the scale
where you know someone's building a
global brand or a recognizable brand and
uh even at that point that was always
kind of one of my goals
um that journey through rice just kind
of helped me see
uh you know different industries
different um
different paths in terms of corporate
careers um
as well as different types of businesses
you know could could could be a
potential for a business that i could
um so you know after i graduated from
rice one question before that just
so because you were you were doing the
college football and a lot of
you know dream and not all or a lot of
people don't make it but it's you know
you play college ball
and you go professional or you go do
something with that as you're going into
football was it hey i
that's my dream or hey this will be a
good way to be able to get into the
scholarship or otherwise fund my you
know fund my degrees
or kind of you know going into that how
did you decide between kind of
the sports that you you know to be in a
college level even if that is a great
and a you know big feat so how did you
kind of decide i want to do business
when you're also doing football
well i mean i think that's a great
question i think if you go to rice
you have the mindset of kind of doing
both you know i don't think
many many athletes go to rice on full
scholarship and don't think about
what their career is after um you know i
think it's a
education focused curriculum and
focused system from the very beginning
with that being said i think you know
every every football player basketball
player every athlete dreams about you
the the olympics the championship the
super bowl whatever
whatever that may be um so yeah i did
have you know i did aspire to
to you know play continue to play
football uh
but quite honestly you know even at that
point i knew that was a temporary pit
stop for me so
if it was corporate america if it was
football it was still going to end up
with me having to you know do
something to you know build for the rest
of my life
and in my mind that was always you know
some type of business i didn't know what
that was going to be but that that's
kind of where
where my thought process was at the time
no definitely makes sense and so now you
graduate you're coming out and i think
you've got a double major is that right
remind me what you got the
degrees in yeah so yeah at the time rice
didn't have a formal
uh business degree they had basically
it's managerial studies
and then i also have a degree in sports
management which is basically a you know
a business degree in in sports and so
it just talks or just focuses more on
uh professional sports and the marketing
around that industry
so now and so now you're coming out of
school you've got your degrees you're
saying okay
you know i may need to get a bit of
experience really my heart is in
and so i think after you graduated you
had a short stint in kind of
construction and doing a little bit
with ball afterwards before deciding to
get into business yourself is that about
yeah i think that's a good summary um
construction's probably one of my
favorite jobs i've ever had
actually um interesting interesting
enough it's it's hard work but it's
rewarding work you know you get to you
get to go from project to project you
get to see something go from
the beginning to the end and start over
and so you know
no two days are really the same
especially if you're working on on
larger projects so
um i really like that part about
construction when
i was still kind of transitioning from
you know what do i want to do
full time with my life i wasn't at a
point where i wanted to be tied down to
a corporate job
either and construction allowed me to
kind of travel
in and basically go from project to
project versus
you know clocking in nine to five uh you
know 360 days a year or whatever
no i think that definitely makes sense i
mean for me i've never gotten to
construction i've only been on the side
of having a house built or other things
seeing the construction
but there's definitely i think would be
you know a rewarding
aspect of hey we see something it starts
at nothing builds it up and you can say
hey i helped build that
and hey you know you can kind of point
to that as something as an
accomplishment would
certainly be exciting now you're doing
that for a period of time enjoying that
now when you got into or how did you
make that transition decide okay you
wanted to go into business yourself was
it just uh
kind of i've decided i didn't want to be
construction forever or i had a good
opportunity or a good idea kind of
what prompted that that shift a bit
um so even when i was in construction
you know i was
working as a you know as a project
manager so i was basically running a
small crew
basically from project to project so you
know whether we're doing
seating demolition
remodeling you name it i worked on quite
a few different things in construction
but the the actual owner of that company
was the dad of a guy who i played
football with
and so he was a small business owner um
you know another good another mentor of
mine from that's in that sense where
i i really got to see what a small
business was like being run
at that level so you know even though i
doing the day-to-day work of a project
manager for construction company i was
on site
day-to-day um i was still learning
behind the scenes of how everything
worked from a small business perspective
um and at that time i you know i
actually thought that
i was gonna construction would be you
know my
my choice of business um it ended up not
being that once i partnered with a
couple of my buddies
and looked at just the land general
landscaping the potential behind
um what i wanted to achieve but yeah
it still allowed me to kind of see a
small business from the inside out and
and learn and learn and gain that
no that's cool so now so you got it and
that definitely makes sense so now you
got into
initial i think the first business you
mentioned as you kind of went on your
own as you got with a few friends and
you started the kettlebell company is
that right
yeah so after i uh i worked in
construction for a little bit
i actually moved over and i started
working in oil and gas and i was working
as a gas controller
um basically working working shift work
you know
12-hour shifts maintaining a gas
and in doing that you know that was a
very traditional kind of corporate job
you know great great pay great benefits
um but it was you know a commitment from
our standpoint and it was
it was a long-term commitment if it was
something that you know
i was gonna do uh for the rest of my
life and so
during that process i had a couple other
friends who were kind of in the same
similar situation um one of them
actually was working with me at the oil
and gas company
and another one was a friend of our uh
he's best friends with a guy we went to
college with and so it was very kind of
tight circle
um we kind of made a pact that we were
going to start a company didn't know
what that was
we had a good reference of what
e-commerce was
because my friend was working at big
commerce at the time so
he had a very good insight of you know
what makes it
successful business he had you know he
had a good chance to see
you know companies come on board and go
from nothing to something
kind of overnight you know really
studying studying niche markets and
different opportunities
for trying to create your own uh you
basically trying to trying to be noticed
in in such a crowded space of e-commerce
and so
we felt like we had a little edge in
that sense of really understanding how
to do that
um and we just started naming companies
and so
kettlebells was was one of the products
that we wanted you know we at the time
we were talking about
uh so so many
so many different things all all
different types of fitness equipment
um you know sleeping companies um
you know basically any niche market that
we could think of
we were trying to go after kettlebells
was just one of those things that
at that time crossfit was becoming
really big and
we could really see the potential of
this is you know this is a
thing that's here to stay and it's going
to be growing over the next 10 to 15
years and it's only going to get
more kind of ingrained into fitness and
into what people consider a workout so
kettlebell kings being so kind of
was almost too good to pass up so to
no it definitely makes sense now one
question question on that is
were you guys hey as you did your
research was it you were you looking for
something you thought was a good
was it something you guys are familiar
with was it something you're passionate
about you know as an example did you
like kettlebells were you using it for
workout was it more of just hey this is
growing space and a little bit we don't
care what this space is we just want to
find something that
we can drive and grow and that type of
thing or kind of how did you land on
yeah i think it was you know it
definitely because it was a growing
space uh you know that that was one of
the driving factors but then also with
you know our background in sports and
fitness at the time we were
we're all trying to find our routine for
you know what is my
health and wellness routine look like
after sports right i think if you
if you play collegiate or professional
it's a much different workout regimen
you know this is my daily life so this
is my you know monthly lifestyle type of
workout routine
and so me personally like i didn't like
going to a gym
so i i hate going to 24 hour fitness or
you know any of these
gyms where it's just a bunch of people
there waiting on machines
jumping over people you know people
working out at different level of
that's just not my you know my speed for
for working out and so
homework i became a big thing for us and
in kettlebells and
minimal space workout was kind of one of
the trending
uh things that was happening kind of
just in the fitness industry in itself
and so
we we really like that personally i
think that fit our
uh our personal you know
kind of goals for our own health and
wellness but then
i think we saw that to be kind of the
future of health and wellness is you
know it is much more of a personal
the minimal space space athlete you know
i think you've seen or we've all seen
kind of with covet that
kind of your home fitness workout is the
core of your health and wellness what
you do
you know in the space that you are that
you have available to you is
is more important than you know where
you go or what what
you know big pieces of equipment you
have available to you and so we really
want to create a lifestyle and community
around that
no i think that that definitely makes
sense i mean finding something that's a
good opportunity that you're interested
in that you're
you know use a product yourself and as
an up-and-coming market
all makes sense now as you guys started
this out were you guys
doing it as a side job or kind of a side
hustle getting it started and did it
is it still a side hustle or did you
guys kind of transition as it got as it
grew to be a full-time gig
yeah i mean the first year and a half
um i was still working full-time so
you know one of the luxuries of working
a shift shift work is you know you work
12-hour shifts rotating shifts and
you know sometimes you're working 12
hours during the day sometimes you're
working 12 hours during the night
so 12 hours during the night used to
probably be the the best time for me to
get work done because i could work
during the day after i got up and then
you know at night it's a lot more
peaceful in the control room and so you
can do a lot of research and reading and
and just kind of all the the the my new
things around building a business
you know i was able to do that uh you
know over those night shifts and things
like that and so
after about a year and a half of us
having something and really seeing okay
we have sales
you know we we prove the concept of
kettlebell kings we see the
trajectory going up going in the
direction that we like
you know someone always has to kind of
just jump in there and kind of go
go full throttle and so at that point i
quit my job
um you know went to do this full-time
you know we were still shipping out of a
storage facility like a 10 by 10 storage
facility but
it was enough to that somebody had to go
over there every day someone had to
you know deal with customers every
single day and so about
six months after that um we got to the
point where it was
and it was almost too much for one
person um
and so my business partner did the same
thing as well so he quit his job
and yeah from there
we just kept going so you know we're
at probably eight employees right now uh
and growing up probably eight full-time
employees and still growing
um and so it's just been kind of a
never-ending growth process since that
point hey that's always a great place to
be to be in that growth and to have
things expanding going in the right
direction is definitely
exciting now and i i think as we chatted
a bit before the
podcast you know you know you have
kettlebell keens but then you guys kind
of started
i don't know and i say you guys maybe it
was you your your partners or otherwise
he started to expand into other areas
was that kind of out of a
diversification and or you had other
opportunities or excited about other
things or kind of
how did you start to expand into
additional businesses and growing other
yeah i mean about three or four years
ago uh once we really knew kettlebell
kings had
you know it we had a branch you know we
were getting globally recognized
um you know we're going getting quite a
few quite a bit of attention from
uh you know other companies and just
kind of in our space we were
one of the one of the most credible
companies for kettlebell so um
a lot of that was because we knew we had
that solid now we need to diversify
and a lot of our revenue was generated
through equipment sales
um at the time and still right now
people were talking about you know the
trade wars with china
um trade wars in general you know
economic bubble whatever
might happen to put a damper on our
supply line for equipment sales
we needed to figure out okay how can we
diversify and sell
things that don't require that supply
line digital products became an easy
and easy target so kettlebell workouts
you know we knew people were
selling kettlebell workouts kettlebell
that became became low-hanging fruit but
we wanted to expand on
that and be more than just a kettlebell
living fit not only does kettlebells but
it also does
battle ropes dumbbells nutrition
resistance bands and it'll it'll
to keep expanding almost into every
single fitness category
so what we're forming now is not only
the work outside so if you can think of
like your peloton-like experience
it's also an educational side to it as
that allows trainers to earn
certifications and earn specialty
uh credits towards their uh whatever
certifying body that they're using for
their personal
their personal training certification
they can get these specialty credits
through this same type of app and
no definitely makes sense and so now as
you launch you know the the next kind of
expansion or you know where
our business is kind of expanding on
that original idea
going into the additional verticals and
kind of keeping that fitness lifestyle
doing all that was it the same you know
was it the same experience and it was
just kind of building what you had or is
every startup different you had
uh opportunities different difficulties
or kind of how was that
kind of starting that over again or
building that up again for a second time
in a different area
um i mean i think every everyone is
going to be different so
it's definitely a huge difference
between you know selling digital
products instead of
selling physical products um you know
luckily for us we've only gotten more
and more attention on our surprise on
our products so
demand for us has just increased since
since we've since we've
you know been in business um but for the
digital products is not the same so
you know you're you have to work quite a
bit harder to make those sales
compared to uh you know kettlebells
which are
kind of hard to find right now um and so
i think that's that's probably the
biggest difference in just in the shift
of the actual product itself
for a lot of the other pieces of
equipment like dumbbells um because it's
the same industry it's all it's
it's honestly it's easier because more
more people are looking for dumbbells
than they are kettlebells so
i think it just it just varies on you
know what what product that is
no definitely makes sense so now and now
as you expanded you also i think is
mentioned before you got into a bit of
cbd or hemp and you got
partnered up with george foreman the
third was that an extension of your
business or different opportunity how
did you kind of
or add that into the mixer grow that as
part of the diversity
uh sure yeah i mean so that that's
something i branched out on my own and
started you know i
i have a vision for this company you
know of being kind of a natural
uh you know i want to source basically
the natural the most natural
plant products that i can so whether
that's supplements
um you know salves creams any any
product that we can source from
from plants or from mother nature uh is
the way we wanna
you know kind of build the company so
the community that we're trying to build
is is fitness focus but i would say it's
more health and wellness focused
um you know george george foreman iii
actually went to rice with me as well we
weren't you know super close at rice
uh i think we had a couple classes
together but he after we graduated he
he he actually went into the fitness
industry as well and was
um he basically founded a
boxing certification and boxing gym that
he was that he was working on
i believe it was called everybody fights
and so he was doing that and so there
was a lot of overlap just kind of in our
experience in
uh where we were in our careers and so
you know
we just kind of touched base kept kept
in lose contact and once he found out
about the
the life girls green opportunity um we
just kind of went into discussions about
how you know
both of our networks and experience
could work together to really really
build this into something we both kind
of had
already kind of visualized no that's
cool and
you know it's always interesting the
connections we make whether they're
close connections or not close
connections how
you know commonalities whether it's
going to the same school taking a few
classes together
being in similar industries how you
never know how those connections will
come back around and that sounds like it
did it there as well so
analogy kind of you know that kind of
catches us up to a bit of
where you're at today kind of now
looking in the next six to 12 months
where do you see things headed where
what are the opportunities that they'll
look to explore to continue to explore
or explore into um quite a few so
um you know i think one of the the
biggest things or the biggest challenges
any company when you're trying to scale
to you know from a
single million dollar company to
multi-million or 100 million dollar type
of company is
really trying to find capital and
um make the right decisions so that
you're you know you're maximizing your
equity but you're also helping the
company grow
as fast as you can possibly grow it um
you know right now for living feeding
cattle kings you know
we're doing a fundraise right now to try
to raise funds to
continue to build our supply lines here
and here in america
uh like i was saying we're expanding
into different so many different
categories uh
you know we only had kettlebells you
know we need the same amount of room
for dumbbells barbells um you know
weight benches
you name it every other kind of category
has to have
that same amount of capital inventory uh
or initial initial capital to build that
inventory so that you're able to
just support a demand so we're in we're
in fundraising mode
pretty hard for that um and then the
same thing for my other company um
you know we're in fundraising as well
where we have everything established
kind of
online uh and we're really looking to
make a push
nationally with kind of a sales and
marketing approach with george
coming on board and uh really going
after the
kind of looking at the cbd or the hemp
derived product space
uh from a recovery and wellness
and really going after that niche
initially uh and trying to take that
okay no sounds like a lot of fun
opportunities a lot of
opportunities to grow and to continue to
expand the business so
with that as we start to wrap towards
the end of the podcast i always have two
questions i'd love to ask at the end so
we'll go ahead and jump to those now
first question is is along your journey
what was the worst business decision you
ever made and what did you learn from it
um the worst decision i've ever made
probably not bringing on experts early
um i think you know when i think when
you're an entrepreneur
in the beginning you have to have this
kind of i'm gonna do it myself attitude
i can get anything done myself
and once you really have something and
you really have proven your model out
you don't necessarily know how
you don't know the lack of efficiency
you have and how much that could affect
the growth of your business and so you
may be hammering something out yourself
you know you should prepare
professionals to do because your
business would grow a lot faster and
you're actually
um bottlenecking your growth versus
helping it by you know doing it the mom
and pop way of doing it a stubborn way
if i could go back and you know learn it
would be
you know things like at what point to
transition from
owning a warehouse and sending out every
single package yourself and
going to a fulfillment center like like
different examples like that of
when to make those transitions
numerically and kind of uh
from a business perspective rather than
a um
a personal or ego perspective of just
trying to kind of earn earn your way
there so
to speak no i i think that you know
there's a lot of expertise and even just
you know
offloading things as well all too often
as an entrepreneur you
think hey i've got to hustle or i got to
do it myself because i got to make sure
it's done right
or you know i don't want to pay someone
else to do it because we need to save
every penny
and you know sometimes that there's some
truth to that and you some you know you
don't always have the
ability to start out to pay for every
expert and hire everybody you'd always
but at the same point if you don't at
some point as you reach the ability to
do that
start to offload it to your point i
think you can hamper a business or
hamper the growth a bit or keep it from
growing as fast as it could
because you're not bringing on those
people that can help bring it to the
next level so i definitely think that's
a good lesson to learn
well the second question i always ask is
you know if you're now talking to
somebody that's just getting to a
startup or a small business
what would be the one piece of advice
you'd give them
um look at it as a continuous journey
you know there's no
starting into it you know it's a it's
something that you learn every day
you get better at every single day so
you know i i equate it to sports just
because you know i play sports
in in business athletically you don't
have to lose anything you know
your mind can just get sharper and
sharper and sharper and
i know now based on my experience in
having made decisions the decisions i
could have made better earlier in my
career and there's no way for me to
to improve on myself if i'm not a
continuous learner uh throughout the
process so
yeah my number one advice would just be
completely open to learning for the
you know for the rest of your life or as
long as you want to be an entrepreneur
knockout not getting stuck in your own
uh in your own brain or in your own way
no and i think that that is a great you
know i like the idea that
you really as an entrepreneur you don't
you don't have to
you don't maybe at some point you get
old enough and you get you know
at some point but for a long period of
time as opposed to you know sports
is you look at you know even at the
highest professional level they
they only last a few years most of time
before they're having to step back
because they're not able to maintain
the same level whereas the fun thing
about entrepreneurship is as long as
taking that attitude as you mentioned
that you're continually growing that
it's not just a
hey we reach this level when i'm done
but rather it's continuing to improve
and to make it better and to grow and
diversify you can always have those
opportunities as long as you're working
so i love that piece of advice
well as we wrap up just as a reminder to
all the listeners we do have the bonus
epis or bonus question on this episode
we're going to talk just about
a little bit about intellectual property
so if you want to hear a little bit
about that
uh that top question stay tuned for
after the normal episode
but as we wrap up otherwise if people
want to find out more about your
businesses they want to be a
customer or a client they want to be an
investor they want to be an employee
they want to be your next best friend
any or all of the above
what's the best way to reach out find
out more
um several different ways so you can
reach you can find out more about me at
um just talks about my journey if you
you know want to do business get in
contact with me that's probably the best
way uh
um but then i also have the several
different websites you have and so
any of those companies you know their
health and wellness companies
cbd related companies um generally
towards any anything that's trying to be
productive or put
growth into today's society so
all right well i definitely encourage
everybody to check out any or all of the
websites reach out to chad
if you have some i want need a
kettlebell you need sportiness or sport
gear you want to invest you want to find
out about cbd
lots of different things chad has going
on definitely worth reaching out
well as we wrap up thank you again chad
for coming on stay tuned for the the
bonus question but uh thank you for
coming on now for all of you that are
listeners if you have your own journey
to tell
um feel free to go to
apply to be on the podcast
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last but not least if you ever need help
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so now as we wrap up the normal part of
the episode we get it you i said the fun
part for him at least me because i
always get to be in a
bit of a driver's seat ask the questions
and you have to respond
now we got to flip the tables a bit and
you get asked me your number one
question and i get to talk a little bit
about something i'm passionate about
which is intellectual property so with
that i turn it over to you a bit
what's your number one intellectual
property question
um do you do on there do you deal with
intellectual property
that's a simple question for me then how
how do
how do you build an international
and how do you kind of how do you gauge
what things are worth investing in and
what things
are kind of just paper i mean i think
at the end of the day that's suggested
and that's a great question it's a hard
one especially to start up small
business is you always have
aspirations of going you know going
international being worldwide and
selling it
and yet the cost of doing that is
substantial i mean if you're going to go
into multiple countries
you have to file whether it's a patent
or a trademark in each of the individual
that cost adds up and it can be it can
be a great benefit if you have it but it
can also be a big killer if you don't if
spend all of your money there such as to
detriment the company so
generally what i would advise is where
you start to look is where it's going to
the highest the biggest concentration
where is your marketplace going to be so
here's an example of hey really 90 of
where we're going to
and foreseeable future we're going to
sell into is going to be in the u.s and
sure there's going to be a little bit in
europe or china but 90 percent of our
marketplace is from the u.s
i'd probably say focus your intellectual
property on there because you're
protecting your biggest market
and the other ones that you are going to
be much smaller you simply don't go and
protect you know you simply go and
compete without intellectual property
and let that be
in supplemental income but if somebody
comes along and knocks off or otherwise
competes in those marketplaces it's
probably not worthwhile the investment
on the other hand let's say you said
okay europe is a huge market everybody
wants you know i'll use example
55 percent of our market they're 35
percent in the us
and 20 in canada i don't think i have my
math added up i think i had over 100
but then i would start to say okay then
we probably want to protect in those few
probably makes sense because those are
big enough markets we are going to sell
into enough
that we're going to want to actually
follow in protection so when you get
into international it's one where you
can spend a lot of money and not get a
good return
or if you're careful and you look and
say now it's as much as making a
business case because
you ask a typically you ask an
intellectual property attorney and if
they give you a legal advice is yeah we
can file in all these countries
here is the cost it's going to be you
should file on every one because you
never know where it's going to be
but i'd really take a step back and say
there's a much more of a business case
that you should be looking at where's
our market where do we see us growing
into what is where's the
what where do we want to protect our
competitive advantage and that's where
you invest in
and then you just simply say we can't
afford it to go everywhere we're going
to protect our biggest
markets and then we'll just simply other
opportunities where we could have filed
into we'll just compete without
intellectual property
does that make sense yeah no that
definitely makes sense
is i think just the way the way my mind
works is i'm always trying to
make that into a number and
when when you're thinking about you know
what's worth protecting right like so
what what's what size you know or what
volume of
uh whether that's revenue profit however
you want to cut that
how do you how do you equate that to to
a number so you know
if you have a company that is doing a
million dollars
in a country is that worth it is a
hundred thousand dollars worth it
when you're talking about protecting
your irp how do you really you know
what threshold you make that decision
yeah i mean it's always a bit of a
business i mean because if you say a
hundred thousand dollars in revenue
versus profit
hey if you're only making five thousand
dollars of profit for revenue then it
probably doesn't make sense but
i would put it as giving an example most
countries you know and there's
higher low but on average to go and get
a patent
internationally you're probably looking
on the low side ten thousand dollars on
the high side up to twenty thousand
that's a pretty big range i would
usually say fifty or twelve twelve
thousand dollars if i say
country by country to get through all
the bases so if now you're saying okay
we're doing a hundred thousand dollar
net profit or we're doing seven figures
a million dollars in that country
then it probably makes sense because
you're gonna have okay
for that smaller investment twelve
thousand dollars we can protect what
we're doing proprietary keep us in
or and it could be a trademark as well
if we have a really great brand and we
wanna protect them
then you're saying you know trademarks
are even more so because you know to get
the trademark in a given country you're
probably anywhere from fifteen hundred
to two thousand dollars as an average
and so you're saying okay i would look
at it as if we're you know you're
getting to where
that is if you're saying ten percent of
the and this is a hard
question but ten percent of the net
profits is going to be in that country
or we see the next two or three years
that's where the trajectory is headed
i'd probably say you're getting into
that range of
10 to 15 of net profits if you reinvest
in that
would probably give you a pretty good
range okay
sounds good all right well with that it
was certainly a fun question to talk a
little about intellectual property and
certainly the international and the the
foreign scene as well
appreciate you coming on the podcast
again chad now if anybody else
any of you anybody else out there have
any other questions or if you chat even
have any other questions later down the
feel free to go to
grab a bit more time with us to chat
always happy to answer those questions
now as we wrap up thank you again chad
and wish the next leg of your journey
even better than the last
thank you i appreciate your time today
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