Be Aware Of Your Competitors
Where Are They Now?
Karthik Rau
Devin Miller
The Inventive Journey Podcast for Entrepreneurs3/22/2021
Be Aware Of Your Competitors
The Inventive Journey

Starting and growing a business is a journey. On The Inventive Journey, your host, Devin Miller walks with startups along their different journeys startups take to success (or failure). You also get to hear from featured guests, such as venture firms and angel investors, that provide insight on the paths to a successful inventive journey.
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i think it's always good for
entrepreneurs to to keep an eye out
on what the competitors are doing so not
a fear necessarily but i think you need
to be aware of
where uh other companies are positioning
themselves and
and to be a little bit paranoid about
that is actually a good thing
for startup founders so i think that
that's one thing that we always try to
see if a product is differentiated
enough and and has enough defensibility
in the market when we go talk to
customers so i think that's
that's probably what i would say is the
is the most important
area where we continue
hey everyone this is devin miller here
with another episode of the inventive
i'm your host evan miller the serial
entrepreneur that's grown several
startups and seven and eight figure
businesses as well as a ceo and founder
of miller i p
law where we help startups and small
businesses with their patents trademarks
and other business related things
and today we have another great uh guest
and it's our one of our where they at
six months after we originally talked
with them um and it's uh
karithka and i always worry i'm going to
say the name right rule
row rule
sorry it's as good as as good as i could
do but uh if you remember
so um karithka or karisk is it correct
karthik i'm i'm gonna keep i'm just
gonna stop saying your name so i don't
slaughter anymore
but uh was uh with flick and uh was
doing that and continues to do it and uh
kind of that's where we left off of
building that business or that journey
led up to where he's at today
and now we're going to hear a little bit
kind of about the last six months and
how you've had to
a bit adjust and adjust some equipment
and do a bit of rebranding
and how you've done some bit of spinoffs
and how you've done it now an official
launch and had that going
and kind of uh what all that journey's
been and kind of what the
shutdown has meant and cut different
customers and pivots and all those good
things so
with that much is a is an introduction
welcome back onto the
podcast yeah thanks kevin it's good to
talk again it's nice to reconnect and
uh and see where we are yeah it's like
you said it's been a few months since we
spoke at least on this forum so it's uh
nice to be able to see where we are
absolutely so now take us back in time
to kind of last time we spoke and it's
kind of for everybody that's either new
the podcast or
i'm getting reacquainted so to speak
give us kind of where you
where you left off about six and months
ago where you're at and then kind of
tell us a little bit about how the last
six months have gone for you
yeah i mean just to give a little bit of
background i started a company called
flick a few years ago
and the idea was to work on a
technology area called english computing
so for
those that probably are not that
familiar um
so we're all used to uh putting stuff in
the cloud these days right in our
personal life so
you know pictures emails etc so we uh
just upload everything to the cloud and
magically works somehow it's magic i
don't know where it goes or how it works
better work
so industries are no different i mean
they started doing that ten or so years
back they started putting all of their
operational data in the cloud
so that's been going well for for many
years but
it has its sort of limitations um so
edge computing essentially
is taking a subset of that storage and
processing power and putting that in a
local compute
sensor in our case but in in sort of in
our day-to-day lives just imagine if you
a mobile phone which had all those apps
running so you didn't have to actually
connect to the internet to do everything
that we
typically do so that's that's sort of
the technology area where we were
so the idea is you put a little bit of
intelligence into each
sensor the sensor attaches itself to a
piece of industrial equipment and you
don't really have to connect to the
internet for it to work
so that's basically what we were working
on and we'd been selling that solution
for a few years but the pandemic really
has been sort of a forcing function for
many of us i think so we have to rethink
how we do business how we
uh make it easy for companies to use our
um so it's been an interesting journey
over the last six months
so now you so and i think that was a
perfect ovary kind of
where you were at and kind of where
things left off and now you kind of
hinted at it
which is you know last six months or
since we last talked
you know you've now had covet you've had
to pivot and adjust so kind of
what were the things that you kind of
ran into that caused you to pivot
and then how did you react because
that's can always be a scary thing right
especially if you launch with one thing
is going well
and then you know where the limo that a
lot of companies have been in is
well we were had a good model and you
know once covet opens back up or one
scene's open back up then we'll go back
to and then it was kind of the goal post
kept moving uh
well it's gonna be in two months or six
months and now it's a year and now it's
two years and
so it kind of makes it hard so how did
you guys kind of what was the difficulty
you guys face and how did you pivot or
adjust to it
yeah when we spoke in uh in the summer
last year
we were sort of in the middle of the
pandemic even then and we started seeing
signs of certain businesses not really
picking up as much as we had hoped uh
and that's nothing new i think all of us
have sort of
gone through that phase now and we're
seeing certain parts of the
customer base starting to come back so
what we noticed was
the way that we were selling our
solution required all of our sales guys
and engineers to actually
uh participate in sort of a consultative
sales approach right where you're trying
to work with the customer to figure out
what the
the issue is and you help them install
these sensors in the field
and all of that was just not possible
because we were just obviously not able
to travel
and visit these sites so we had to
figure out another way to sell our
solutions so that really was the
the initial impetus for us to start
looking inward and trying to figure out
how to make it really easy um or as easy
as possible for
customers to install stuff on their own
right so we couldn't travel so we had to
ship these sensors in a box and the
customers had to actually go and install
it on their own so
the idea was to just simplify the
product so we started there
and then what followed was setting up
the infrastructure that we need to
actually be able to sell this new
um so the old way of selling it just
wasn't working and
we just had to pivot and try to figure
out a better way
to sell our solution so that that really
was how it got started
and then as we you know dug it down
maybe there's one quick
quick question on that so because you
know it's you're saying okay
we were doing in-person installations
where a lot of it was face-to-face and
in person and you know covet kind of
makes that much more difficult you're
saying we have to adjust and pivot you
know how did you
i guess one arrive at the conclusion
okay we can't
you know we simply can't keep doing it
was it you know money and
sales are drying up and you had to
figure out how to survive you know
survive it or to adjust or was it more
of hey this is an opportunity
if we're going to adjust not just you
know not just for the short term but
let's make this more sustainable for
long term so how did you kind of arrive
at the conclusion
that hey we need to do something
different here and let's take this as an
yeah it was both really then i mean we
we obviously had sales drying up
uh we had a lot of oil and gas and
energy customers at the time and
gas prices dropped a lot of the r d
spend went
uh went away so that was
the q2 of last year was was a little bit
difficult in the in the way that
sort of it evolved and wasn't really
when that phase would end so internally
for us we had to figure out other
markets to sell into so we started
looking at our other opportunities
and we're pretty opportunistic in the
way that we were going after customers
we were doing okay as a company but
still we sort of
realized that the the old way of selling
it just wasn't working
and obviously you know as we all got
used to working remotely
we're just starting to wonder why it's
not possible for companies to monitor
these equipment remotely right
there should be no technical reason why
we can't do that
you and i can do business on zoom you
know it should be possible for companies
to monitor remote assets
there's no reason to actually put
somebody in a truck and send them once a
month to go
monitor a pipeline so that that really
was the problem that we were trying to
solve so what we came up with was a
really sleek simple solution um so
um just to draw a parallel i mean it's
like sort of attaching a
fitness tracker to your wrist right it
has to be that simple so
you just put put a smart sensor
that's what it looks like it's basically
a tiny box that you attach
to a piece of asset and just simple as
20 seconds to install i want to make it
really easy for companies to do that on
their own
so now how long did it take you to
actually implement the changes right so
you know
you have this hey we've got to make this
simple we've got to make it you know so
that we're not having to have
people on site or otherwise doing that
and so you kind of
have that as an idea and you know he
kind of gave us an idea of what a
solution you arrived at
but how long did that take you to kind
of roll out or implement or figure out
how to make that pivot
yeah we had the basics of that solution
already implemented in the in the past
so we knew exactly what to do
it was just a question of getting the
engineering team to focus on that so we
had to create a
a prototype that we could go take take
to customers and
try to validate that in the market so
that took about two or three months to
come up with something that we could
show customers then in august we started
promoting this to our internal contacts
that we had with customers um september
was when we first got some revenues from
this new product line
so we knew that that it had some legs
and then q4
started to grow quite quite nicely then
that's when we decided on a business
to make that pivot it seemed like it
could stand on its own
and needed to be launched under a new
a brand called stoke and we formally
launched that about a month ago
and now onwards so now so you're kind of
running now
almost two businesses or two product
lines in parallel it sounds like not to
put words in your mouth but you still
have the
original model or hey we'll come out
we'll be a bit more invasive or we'll do
it for you so to speak
and then we also have more simplified
model of hey we'll give you
we'll give you virtual or digital
training as to how to do it make it a
simple product and allow you to do it
yourself so
sounds kind of like based on the pivot
you're now kind of running those two
different companies in parallel
now most of the employees have already
moved over to
stock so stock is really what's scaling
right now
and obviously we
had to make that decision and it was a
tough one to
try and figure out where to focus but
luckily for us i mean q4 and q1 so far
have been really good quarters uh sales
seem to be
going in the right direction we're
scaling nicely so most of the attention
now is
uh stoke so there's still some some
old uh customer relationships that we
have with flex so we
sort of converting them to still
customers and then now
we'll continue moving forward so and i
think you've now answered the question
because the
next follow-up question is going to have
is kind of now moving over to stoke
adjusting the business model pivoting
what if you could
going back in time and you know not
possible but we'll play a game anyway
if you could take the the model you have
today which was kind of at least
necessitated or forced based on coved
you made that adjustment versus the
original model
if you had the option would you go back
to the original model do you like the
new model better or kind of
if you could choose which path you if
coveted never come along and you had the
options to go either way
which way would you go i think what we
ended up with at stoke is probably the
right thing to do um i think we
eventually would have um worked on that
on that particular arc and tried to make
the product as simple as possible
but as i was saying earlier it's sort of
a forcing function you had to make
decisions quickly
and so sort of the pandemic really
forced us to
to look inward and try to decide what
was the best
course of action for us so i think in
the end i mean
regardless of the circumstances i think
we ended up with the right result and
the sales over the last few months have
really proved that it's it was the right
move on our part to do that
and so yeah looking back i mean i i
think if
we had made this decision a few years
right i suppose i mean that that would
have been the right thing to do with
that one
no and it's interesting because you you
know once you get a product especially
when you get a product up and running
the company's
you know profitable you tend to go to
continue down the same route
whether or not it's the best route or
the one that makes the most sense but
it's the one that you're comfortable and
that's what you've launched
and kind of reflect on one of the
businesses i ran previously
was we were going down one route and it
wasn't a bad route but we had what was a
frivolous lawsuit that was filed against
us that
made or took the company in a different
direction it was a
you know year of my life i wish i could
get back and it wasn't a fun experience
but at the end of that it also makes
amidst all that forced us to step back
and said
well if we could the route that we were
going down regard you know the lawsuit
was a little bit of a catalyst kind of
like co-bed
and it was like if we could go back to
the route we were doing would we do that
now that we had to step back we
rethought our the business and how we're
doing it
what was a better path and it actually
led to a much more fruitful and better
path in the long run
even though it's sometimes those painful
things that
kind of cause you to give pause or have
to go through it and not enjoy it but
in the end it comes out to be better so
i mean my thoughts exactly i think uh
once things are going okay and
you sort of get used to uh you know
working in a certain way and sort of
promoting your product in a certain way
that there's a lot of inertia in the
company right everyone's used to doing
in a way that they're used to and it's
really difficult to to sort of change
stack and
it's it's a difficult decision no doubt
so we had yeah plenty of internal debate
on what to do and
as i said finally i think we ended up
where we they should have been a couple
years ago
no no makes complete sense so now as we
you know
looking for the the next kind of six to
12 months kind of
with the pivots going on with having to
adjust the things where do you see uh
that going kind of
that six to 12 months uh 12 months out
yeah the the plan is to continue scaling
our business now so
we need to build uh the team around the
core team that we already have in place
we've got a solid team now of engineers
and people doing sales and
uh and management so we've got a good
core group
so the plan is to raise a little bit of
funding uh add some more
r d and sales and business development
and try to scale the business so that's
a plan for the rest of the year
and hopefully i mean with you know the
vaccine roll out
and the worst is sort of behind us and
things will get better and as uh things
get back to normal
we hope to scale the business along with
them all right no i think that that's a
now with the both with things behind you
and also with an updated or you know
differentiated business model
i think both sounds it sounds like a
great path forward so
well as we wrap up and i always you know
normally on a normal podcast i have my
last two questions i always switch that
up a bit for the
where you at now kind of episode um so
the question i'll ask you is
you know kind of now that you've gone
along your journey both the original
journey in the last six months and
dealing with cove and everything else
as an entrepreneur what's your one
biggest fear and how do you overcome it
i i think it's always good for
entrepreneurs to to keep an eye out
on what the competitors are doing so not
a fear necessarily but i think you need
to be aware of
where other companies are positioning
themselves and
and to be a little bit paranoid about
that is actually a good thing
for startup founders so i think that
that's that's one thing that
we always try to uh to see if our
product is differentiated enough and
then has enough defensibility
in in the market when we go talk to
customers so i think that's
uh that's probably what i would say is
the is the most important
uh area where we continue to stay
focused no and i think that
is a good point and then and one of the
things you know love them hate them or
indifferent too
mark cuban i always you know he always
talks about you should be waking up each
or thinking about how your competitor is
going to kick your butt or he says it's
some variation of that
but you know you should always be
worried about what your competitor is
doing but not just
fear in the sense that it stops you or
you don't can't move forward
but more of now gives you motivation for
hey we need to stay ahead of the
competition we need to always be
anticipating them
and making sure that we're doing things
better than them and cheaper or faster
or whatever the competitive edge
but to always anticipating what they're
doing so i think that that's a good uh
you know fear quote-unquote to learn
from and also how to react to it so
well once again as people are now as
we're wrapping up but people want to
find out more about your business about
you know stoke or
previously about flick you know what you
guys are doing they want to be a
customer or client they want to be an
investor they want to be an employee
they want to be your next best friend
any or all of the above what's the best
way to reach out and find out more
yeah just check out our website i think
that that's probably a good place to
start so it's
stoke dot global um and it's uh
it tells you a little bit about what we
do uh how to how to
order uh some of our equipment and
certainly how to get in touch with us
all right well i definitely oh go ahead
no i was just finishing up saying
yeah i'd recommend so the people start
there and you can reach me on linkedin
as well
i'm fairly active there so uh yeah i
look forward to hearing from whoever is
interested in finding out more about
all right well i definitely encourage
people to reach out find out more and uh
um is a an exciting and a great company
that uh
is uh going places so to speak um well
with that we're going we'll wrap up the
podcast thank you again for being on
now for all of you that are listeners if
you have your own journey to tell
it's six months for your six-month
journey or the original journey
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last but not least if you ever need help
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reach out to us at millerip law by going
thank you again for coming on is it was
is much or more of a pleasure than the
first time and wish that next leg of
your journey even better than the last
yeah thanks tim it was a pleasure
pleasure reconnecting and
let's do it again all right